Hd Hayabusa Helmet

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Hey guys it has been quite some time since I last posted anything but I have still been hanging around the 405th. I am sorry it has been so long, but I have just been so busy and plus I've mainly been involved in Transformers stuff right now (in case any of you guys don't know I am a HUGE Transformers fan, I think I might even like it more than Halo). With the new movie coming out I have been going crazy, and I mean CRAZY! Anyways to get back on subject I thought I would kick-start my coming back by showing all of you guys one of my current projects, the HD Hayabusa Helmet.

Now I know a lot of you guys are thinking "OH GOD HD?! THE OTHER ONE WAS HARD ENOUGH!" and as a matter of fact I was just browsing the Noob Forum and noticed someone wanted a simpler Hayabusa Helmet. Here is where I help. In my opinion my new version will make the process of building a Hayabusa Helmet a whole lot easier. Right now you are all probably thinking that it can't be easier because it has so many folds, and yes this is true, but one of the things I am doing is taking out all the small details that are better just sculpted in like the little indent I had on the back of my previous helmet. In my opinion these details are pointless to include because they come out so much better when they are sculpted. What I did focus on was fixing inaccuracies and try to make the helmet a whole lot smoother so it would be much simpler to bondo.

Now here is where the cool part comes in. One of my HUGE changes was to make the crown separate so that way the bonding would be much simpler because you don't have to try and get in between the spikes. You should be able to just bondo each one separately and attach them together when they are ready. They should line up perfectly. Anyways I have to get off and study for my final tomorrow (THANK GOD LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!), and I just wanted to see what you guys thought of my idea and progress.

Here are the progress pics...

Here is the old one


Here is the new one



Tell me what you think!


Here is the link to the new error free files

I think the side spikes should have the edge to them. It just looks strange the way you have them rounded on your new version.
Unique Name said:
I think the side spikes should have the edge to them. It just looks strange the way you have them rounded on your new version.

Yeah, I was kind of wondering about that. I'll change it later. Thanks!
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So what do you guys think of the idea of the crown being separate from the rest of the head? Do you think it would make it easier or is it just a bogus idea? Please give me whatever advice you have.
Though I have not pep'd your other Busa helmet, but I think that a whole separate crown for your head is really brilliant idea! Though I wouldn't understand your concept of how it could be easier to resin and bondo that specific area. But seeing how the spikes looks like a pain to glass and such, I'd say go for two versions of it, one attached and the other not.
Sounds Great! :) Ironically, I just started putting together your old file a few days ago for one of my friends. He's a big hayabusa fan :D I think the detachable crown is a great idea. I was only trying to figure out in the new model pictures however, does the "crown" part only include the grey area? Or does the detachable crown part include the whole top portion of the helmet? I think if the crown consisted of just the grey part, it would be easier to attach. Overall, this looks really great agbates! I'm debating whether to start over, or keep going with the old. With the methods I'm using, the smoother the pep file is, the better! ;)
Coming from someone who has made your older busa helmet (which was, and still does, look absolutely stunning finished), I think making the crown a separate piece is a great idea. In my opinion, it would make the crown a much more workable area of the helmet as it was very difficult attached, not only for just pepping it but strengthening it as well. This way the crown can be sanded a lot more flush, fiberglassed on the inside a lot more easily as opposed to just filling the insides of the spikes with resin (which, from what I hear, gets kind of heavy), hopefully help to off-set warpage, etc. Just my two cents :)

Also, the hayabusa forehead area without the crown looks kind of funny haha.. kind of like someone just made zorro's mask into helmet form or something.
Anyway, this in short, this is a great idea. Good work (on your old and new helmet) and great idea for this helmet!
thats a great idea but make it so that when you import it into pep the crown part is flush with the part of the normal helmet so that the misterous scaleing method is eliminated
mks81 said:
If it is anything like your Carmine helmet, this thing is going to be pretty sweet!!

Thanks. I should have a youtube video up here in like 5 minutes with the updates I have on it.
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Oh man, so many things I want to do now.... I WANT A BUSA HELM!! (this model's pep I mean hehe)

And I also think the separated peices is a cool idea.

P.S. I now have another Item in my to do list..... your busa helm, but before that, I have to make and ODST full costume, after I finish my MC suit then I have to work on another BR then This!!!! AND I have to make an MC Helmet tooo ........ man, well, I have time for all of them hehe

Good luck on this looking great so far, and I like the design of this Busa, a lot smoother and appetizing to build lol
The main spike definitely need's some work, something doesn't look right imo.

Looks very nice on the whole though..

Nice work dude.
smilie120 said:
The main spike definitely need's some work, something doesn't look right imo.

Looks very nice on the whole though..

Nice work dude.

Are you talking about the spike in the dead center of the helmet or the far ones on the sides?
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smilie120 said:
Spike in the dead center.

I'm currently working on the outer spikes but I guess I could real quick give the middle one a look. What exactly do you think needs to be fixed on it?
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agbates said:
I'm currently working on the outer spikes but I guess I could real quick give the middle one a look. What exactly do you think needs to be fixed on it?

It should have a slight curve to it, yours looks very straight.
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I should have another update of pics here in like 10 minutes. At the rate I'm coming I might even have this finished tonight, just like how the last busa took me a day to model this one will have taken two.
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