Hd Hayabusa Helmet

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Here's an update for everyone. I have gotten quite a good bit done today and might even have this done tonight. The thing that is going to be annoying is filling in the cracks where the crown should attach to the helmet. I still have a quite a few of these spots to go. :concerned: But also, today was my last day of school so now I am on summer break so you guys can plan on seeing more of my 3d models more often now.

Getting back on subject you can see basically all I have left to do is finish the vents on the side and finish the crown and I will be done.

So here are the pics, and you know the drill...tell me what ya think!





Oh yeah, I also have a question for Smilie. Is this what you were talking about doing?
Th3 FETT MAN said:
wow ill have to do this one and what program are you using?

It's called Anim8or and it's free. If you want it go to www.Anim8or.com. Its not bad. I also have 3ds Max and have been trying to learn it as well.
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smilie120 said:
Exactly right! ;)

Sweet! I got it first guess. Do you think that is enough of a curve or do you think the curve should be a tad bigger?
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looks good Agbates... might i suggest that you extend the jaw down. seems to be a problem with a couple of the helmet files... they may be game accurate, but they just dont cover the bottom of the jaw correctly.
DreadMullet said:
looks good Agbates... might i suggest that you extend the jaw down. seems to be a problem with a couple of the helmet files... they may be game accurate, but they just dont cover the bottom of the jaw correctly.

Good Idea. I forgot all about that. This has happened to me to so I will definitely see what I can do.
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Spartan 051 said:
Might be alittle late to chime but i dont know if this was brought to your attention. Ruze did a drawing for skip of front, back, left, right, top


Might be helpful might not

Sorry for double posting but yeah I knew about them. I really don't need them thought because my original Hayabusa Helmet was modeled the same way he did his drawings. I just went into Halo 3 and took shots off the front, side, back, and top and used them as reference images. Don't get me wrong though, Ruze's drawings are great it's just I've already done what I needed to get it accurate.
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DreadMullet said:
looks good Agbates... might i suggest that you extend the jaw down. seems to be a problem with a couple of the helmet files... they may be game accurate, but they just dont cover the bottom of the jaw correctly.

How so? if its scaled right it covers the jaw

I scaled it to 33 cm and my eye were sitting at visor hight and my jaw lined up


EDIT: Ahh i just havent seen you post in a bit and with that posted in the pep section it gets off the first couple of pages fairly quick
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Spartan 051 said:
How so? if its scaled right it covers the jaw

I scaled it to 33 cm and my eye were sitting at visor hight and my jaw lined up


EDIT: Ahh i just havent seen you post in a bit and with that posted in the pep section it gets off the first couple of pages fairly quick

It does line up, but just barely. I will lower it just a tad. Don't worry everybody, I am taking all of your ideas into account. I want this file to be perfect so that there is never a need for another one ever again.
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Sorry again mods for double posting (this has got to be a record, two times in an hour....lol), but I have a rather large update.

Ok guys this is probably the last time you will see me have an update until the helmet is finished. It should only take like an hour or so until I am done. I am now looking for your final input on anything you guys would like changed or added.

Here is the change in the crown's shape. Thank you Smilie for helping me with that.

And here are the rest of the pics....


Remember, I am going to be trying to finish this now so any final input you guys have would be greatly appreciated.
I want this thing to look as good as possible so if you see anything and I mean anything wrong with it please tell me.
After studying it for about a couple minutes, I can see nothing wrong with it. I think it'll be a worthy build to pep :D
Thanks you guys I should hopefully have it done here in like 20 minutes. I am trying to hurry up and get it done but the part I am working on is SO ANNOYING!!!! ARG!!!!!!
SoullessSin said:
Hey abagates, if you need someone to unfold the helm for you. I can do it :D

Then I got something you might like...Yes I am finished and boy am I glad trying to get the crown and the helmet to align was an absolute nightmare. There is no way of knowing how well it fits until its built I guess, but overall it looks good.

Here are the final pics of it





And for anyone who wishes to unfold the file here is the link...
<a href="http://www.4shared.com/file/106755642/cc9a1609/HD_Hayabusa_Helmet.html" target="_blank">http

and also depending on how you scale yours can try this file as well

One of the things I enjoy is seeing someone build my 3d models. If any of you start a thread or have pictures of any projects you are working on that are using my 3d models send me a message or post a link to your thread here. It always makes me feel real good seeing what other people have done with my work.

Anyways I have worked all day today trying to finish this so I am going to get something to eat and then I'm off to get some well deserved sleep.
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