Hd Hayabusa Helmet

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box o crayons said:
nice looks awsome but could you separate the crown from the helmet so that its easier to scale

It is seperated.
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box o crayons said:
i mean like placed next to the helmet so that you dont need to use a special scaleing program

Oh ok.

give me like 2 mins and I'll show you and tell me if its right.


I put the file right next to the other link if you want it.
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perfect thanks ill start unfolding right away

edit: i also think you just made a wonderfull way to mold this baby too with it being in seperate parts
box o crayons said:
perfect thanks ill start unfolding right away

edit: i also think you just made a wonderfull way to mold this baby too with it being in seperate parts

Yeah, I never really thought of that. That does seem like it would be a whole lot easier.
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Sorry for those of you guys that have started to unfold this or have even started to build this but I have noticed a slight problem. There was just a slight problem in the geometry as you can see here.



If you know anything about 3D modeling you will know that you never are supposed to have a polygon that has more than 4 sides. The goal is to have 4 sides but sometimes you have to suffice with 3. When I was modeling it I didn't realize that I had a couple of polys that had 5 sides.

Here is the link to the new pep file. I will also be posting them at my 1st post of this topic.

Now to talk to those of you that have already started unfolding this or have even finished unfolding this. I am very sorry about causing this trouble. I think if you want to continue to use your unfolds you should be fine considering the polygons that are messed up are fairly flat. I am posting the new files though so that way the community will have error free models making everything much easier for them. Like I said I am very sorry and I do believe you unfolds will still be able to be built.
adventSpartanMatrix said:
any advice on scaling the thing

The helmet's scale is base of the scale of the base helmet without the crown on. I am guessing it should be right about the same as a MK VI (maybe a little bigger). I think 29, 30cm max should do it. Hope that helps.
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