Hell Jumper Foam Armor (Spartan Buck)

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Okay so as far as getting everything fitting and placement of armor, with the exception of the torso and bringing the abs and cod lower. I'm pretty much done with that phase. I test fitted everything and like the feel and where everything sits on my body so I am finally contempt with that. I still need to get more paint and the visor for the helmet which is currently being fabricated by Johnson Arms Props, so once I receive his visor I will have all armor components completed excluding the torso and Knife. Then I will move on to the 2nd phase of my 3 part process which is the under suit. So I went to a con yesterday and while all the Armor held up and was secured and that worked out the wet suit was a little hot.... And since I will be adding more fabric for the under suit components I think I will be switching out for a lighter material. Currently I'm looking at a lycra bodysuit made by anovos for the storm troopers at the 501st. Its a pretty good price too. So as long as no one here as any objections I think I will be going with that as my undersuit option. phase 3 will be electronics such as lights speakers and smoke machines. But I am a long way from there... Anyways here is all armor components test fitted together for the first time. and yes I still need to get that mid section for the boots hehe.
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Undersuit is probably the biggest thing from keeping people that have awesome suits from getting class 3. If you do go with plane lycra you may want to paint detail on to it with acrylic and heat seal it on. I believe that's what Dagmara did.
Haha very true, Unless your SF then you get a standard issued Kevlar beard lol. But I think I will stick with the S.O.P. for this one and keep my face clean.

Hmmm Styrospay sounds interesting how well does it hold up? and is it sandable?

Dammit I don't think I will have it all completed by then :cry::cry::cry: and I really wanted to go this year.
Styrospray holds up good but needs at least 4 thin coats before it become hard like plastic and it will have a little flex too which is nice at that point after that the more layers the more firm it becomes.
Styrospray holds up good but needs at least 4 thin coats before it become hard like plastic and it will have a little flex too which is nice at that point after that the more layers the more firm it becomes.
also yes it is sandals and paintable. It self levels and sticks to many surfaces and if not use an acrylic primer and it will for sure stick.
Undersuit is probably the biggest thing from keeping people that have awesome suits from getting class 3. If you do go with plane lycra you may want to paint detail on to it with acrylic and heat seal it on. I believe that's what Dagmara did.

Undersuit, realistic weathering, and appropriate scaling of armour I found to be the biggest factors in tier 3.
You want the silhouette to match, the paint to look real, and your under suit to look like not just fabric. The more details the higher tier it will get.
Realistic weathering, scaling, detailing and finishing - mostly that's keeping down.
Basically you could have perfect armor or Sean Bradley's kit, but without good finishing it doesn't guarantee Tier 3.

Let me put it this way, a good paintjob can save a worse armor, but a bad (or lack of) paintjob can keep the best armor down.

And you don't have to make a full uber detailed undersuit. Even few pieces will do, just to break up that plain black for example (like spine and hip plates, etc.). It really depends on each specific case, but mostly the proper scaling, weathering, painting, detailing and finishing is the most important factor that either can bring up or keep down.
Hey guys Apologies for the lack of posts lately I have not been working on the suit recently due to some personal things taking place in my life and I had to move again because my land lady wanted to kick us out so she could up the rent. Anyways hoping to get back into the swing of things by September, by that time I should have my workshop up and running and everything should be back to normal I hope. All in all thank you for all the interest and advise you guys have thrown in my direction! I really appreciate all the feedback from this community over the years, as it has made me a better builder and fabricator I just hope I don't let you guys down once I get a finished product haha.

Also I just received the Visor for the helmet made by Johnson Arms and it is absolutely amazing! cant wait to finish the helmet and throw some pics your way guys. Until then stay frosty!
Oh Sucksvill.....Population: You. If there is anything I can help you w/ let me know. Hope you haven't/didn't have to moved too far.

Appreciate that bro only had to move 10 blocks, but lost a substantial amount of space so I have to toss a lot of stuff and try to manage with what I have...

Oh wow that's a real kick in the balls...likewise if you need any help or some Canadian words of assurance I've got your back pal. Best of luck with everything and I can't wait to see this visor with the helmet, it's gonna look great!

Haha just knowing a I have a buddy over the border is enough assurance for me :D
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