Hell Jumper Foam Armor (Spartan Buck)

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These are great man can you get a shot of the legs? This will help me out immensely when I'm doing the pieces for the under suit.
I definitely can. Would you like the armor on them? Some of the shin is missing, when removing the armor off of them. Although, I have taken some creative freedom to add the missing part of the limbs. The only thing with that is where I added geometry to the original mesh there won't be any texture maps to apply. You'll see what mean. I get them to you tonight!
Sounds Great! Appreciate it bro, and I wouldn't worry about the shins I'm trying to just get a good layout around the knee and thigh areas.
Sounds Great! Appreciate it bro, and I wouldn't worry about the shins I'm trying to just get a good layout around the knee and thigh areas.

Not a problem bro. Let me know if these are good to go. Wanna make sure you get exactly what your looking for.:cool
front&back_THIGHS.png left&right_sideview.png
Ok well here is what I have thus far on the waist piece. Gonna do a few more refinements then put it to PDO, then i'll work on the leg piece.
Waist piece.jpg
Ok so here are both pieces. While the details are missing they should be good enough for foam templates then the details can be added in later. Hope they are of some use to you! I combined them with the other undersuit pieces and uploaded them as PDO and OBJ files to my mediafire. They are labeled as Undersuit v2.
Oblique & Leg under armor.jpg
So after talking with the awesomeness that is Chernobyl, I realized I made this harder on myself :) He had found and pulled a complete body, armor, undersuit and all, from the game. Had the above parts that I built over the last couple of days. I will be redoing these and will provide them to Blake for his build.

Cheers all and happy new year!undersuit.jpg
Thanks Redthunderbird so probably aiming for late 2017 maybe Jan of 2018, Sorry for the lack of post on this everyone. I've been trying to get my wife's Kat build finished as well as finish off some of my Emile parts. and assembly of the M247 H machine gun. So things have been a little crazy anyways I still have my Hell jumper sitting in my workshop waiting for me to get back to it. Hopefully after February I can finish all this stuff and get back to work on it. Sorry for any delays again folks!
All right so I've finally Managed to free up some time, its been a little crazy since I started my second job of teaching. But since I've completed my wife's Kat with some minor details that need to be fixed. I've managed to sit down at the Old workstation and put some time in. So since Gralt fixed up all the files it has made my life immensely easier with this project, yet somehow I'm still able to manage making it difficult for myself.

Started back up again by building the thighs this past 2 weeks, yes folks you heard that right it took me 2 whole weeks to assemble these... Usually I'm able to assemble in 1 or 2 nights but I just kept sizing it wrong first I started with the original size which was too big then I scaled down 20% to small scaled back up 10% to big again scaled down 20mm on width and just perfect lol. Now I can finally rest easily knowing I can make a Russian Doll out of hell jumper thighs:rolleyes::whistle:o_O...

On a serious note the base looked beautiful thanks again Gralt!
photo 1.JPG
photo 2.JPG

I'm still doing the details like I did before with the 22mm thick craft foam just to keep everything in sync with each other.
photo 3.JPG
photo 4.JPG
photo 5.JPG

Still more minor details to be added. But I want to get the bulk of everything finished and then attack the minor stuff like false hinges and buckles last. plan on sizing up the shins and knees today, and also going to be sketching out the undersuit as well. By the way I have finally found the material I am using for my undersuit but I will be keeping it a secret until I know it works ;). So hopefully you guys didn't miss me too much here, anyways back to the BUCK!
so back in the day when I tried to freehand these thighs, I did terrible. BUT THEN! A new master of foam arises, and we ancient foam builders are like: "Dang nab these fancy gadgets!" and "Kids these days!!!" (make sure to use old man voice)

Anyway, nice build! it's spectacular!
Alas! Buck has shown himself to us once again! The thighs are amazeballs and the added craft foam always adds so much extra detail it's phenomenal! Good to see them darn kids in your class aren't keeping your progress down! :D
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