Helmet Headphone Electronics Tutorial - Hearing Enhancement

Used this at a con for the first time this last weekend, what a game changer. Being able to both hear people and have others hear me through the helmet made the experience so much more enjoyable and I barely had to take off my helmet!
Thanks again for the fantastic tutorial on this.
Little late to the party but I have a couple questions, do you know what size of holes the mics needed? I'm designing the holes pre print to save post processing time and was curious on if you remembered the dimensions for this brand of headset. My other question is on the rewiring? Is it needed outside the battery converter or is the slack optional? I have the idea to use an attachment for the mic on one of the sides but for the other side The default cables will probably reach for me. (The less soldering I do the better lol I am bad). Thanks for the great guide btw.
Little late to the party but I have a couple questions, do you know what size of holes the mics needed? I'm designing the holes pre print to save post processing time and was curious on if you remembered the dimensions for this brand of headset. My other question is on the rewiring? Is it needed outside the battery converter or is the slack optional? I have the idea to use an attachment for the mic on one of the sides but for the other side The default cables will probably reach for me. (The less soldering I do the better lol I am bad). Thanks for the great guide btw.
13/32” with a STEP drill bit worked wonders for me to drill into my girlfriends helmet. Using a standard bit on my helmet left a bit more cleanup than I would have liked, BUT not impossible by any means.
Images attached of result.

Now for the electronics you can leave it stock BUT the mic length can be an issue. I tried to keep my setup stock wired as well and it was a bit of a hassle so I did end up redoing it.

do you know what size of holes the mics needed?
I bought the same headset linked above, but last time I saw crimson's helmet I noticed that our mics are completely different sizes. The manufacturer must have switched suppliers, so there's no guarantee that our mic size will be the same as the one you end up with. You'll have to buy and disassemble your headset to be sure unfortunately.

Is it needed outside the battery converter or is the slack optional? I have the idea to use an attachment for the mic on one of the sides but for the other side The default cables will probably reach for me.
It's likely necessary. I can't remember for certain which wires I extended precisely, but I do remember I tried to keep as many of them as they were. I still had to extend a few wires though. Moving the battery holder is also a good idea s make it easy to change out the batteries. I think if you keep it as it is it will put the battery holder in an inconvenient spot.
Id also recommend at this point since the manufacturer has changes microphones a couple time, picking up this set and just using them instead of the stock ones:

Little late to the party but I have a couple questions, do you know what size of holes the mics needed? I'm designing the holes pre print to save post processing time and was curious on if you remembered the dimensions for this brand of headset. My other question is on the rewiring? Is it needed outside the battery converter or is the slack optional? I have the idea to use an attachment for the mic on one of the sides but for the other side The default cables will probably reach for me. (The less soldering I do the better lol I am bad). Thanks for the great guide btw.
Id highly recommend rewiring just to have more quality control over durability and quality connections. The set up will be in your helmet, where it is not only exposed to, well, your head, but condensation and a myriad of other factors. A full resolder will give you some control of the durability of the set up and to also space things to properly snake in your helmet and easier to hide.

Id recommend it as someone who has done +5 of this set up, you'll thank yourself later with being intimately aware of how to board and wires interact, especially if any issues crop up like Jocko03 had for example like static in one output. It also is just a really good learning experience.

If you ever wanna work side by side, I'm always happy to do a set of these start to finish in Discord in a call and be there to bounce questions off of.
as someone who didn't rewire. DO THE REWIRE! my hearing system is broken inside my helmet because I didn't and man am I not fixing it cause I don't want to go in and take the whole thing out. Best to do rewire it and have it work and not break then to have it break and no longer be able to use it.

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