Yeah, why the heck are you pouring the acetone out of its original container in the first place? That stuff eats through everything...
And for the question on add-ons... I think it needs some elaboration. You harden things with resin by painting the resin on. You put fiberglass by laying the mat/cloth down and painting it with resin. Something tells me there's more to the question, but it was asked too vaguely for me to answer.
I am looking into making armor for a while know and I have a few more questions. What exactly is rondo?
A mixture of resin, bondo, and their hardeners. people do either 75% bondo 25% resin, or 50/50 for a really watery one.
Rondo is used for hardening the inside quickly. It is poured in and sloshed around. It coats the inside like a paint. It's fast and easy, and fills in cracks fiberglass misses, but is not as strong as fiberglass, and a LOT heavier. So they're trade-offs.
hey so i have resined my helmet with 2 coats now i want to fiberglass it. do i make the same mixture? fiberglass + resin and hardener? or do i just use the resin and fibergklass strips with out hardener??
dude i dont know but for more support id resit it with them attatached....but might end up making the nice foam look a little sloppy. maybe attatch them later man. i am no pro this is my first build. hard trying to get actually comment and feedback bro. i posted my build 2 days ago and old have 4 replies... and 2 were mine.