I don't personally know about that. The resin is meant to kind of lace through the fiberglass cloth, with the cloth acting as the matrix, but if it's rondo then the bondo is acting as the (weaker) matrix. And you're still limited because you really want to lay the fiberglass cloth first, which would still mean it wouldn't be going around the cracks anyways. You need the resin to soak into the fiberglass, and it won't do it as well if it's mixed with bondo.
A method I'm testing right now, is to fiberglass the broad flat parts of the inside (like the top of the helmet), then rondo, and then do another layer or two of fiberglass over the rondo. Rondo is pretty brittle, some people on here have had it crack from dropping, and while it's good coverage and strength for detailed parts, it doesn't strengthen as well as fiberglass on big areas. The first glass layer strengthens the broad areas, the layer of rondo smooths out the details of the inside so that you can easily lay fiberglass down over it to further strengthen the rondo.
But at the end of the day, this craft is 90% experimentation, so you could very well get good results with the method you are thinking of. I personally don't think it'll work, but it could work and I could be wrong! Do what you think is best after gathering as much information as you can.