Silly question, I've been browsing alot, and it seems to me the vets get a little irritated at noobs asking about things without doing any research, and especially when they ask about classifieds or if they are allowed to make copies of others work( if you have to ask a question like that you really already no its bad) and then I checked out the banned members, read about this andrew character and the guy who recasted benstreepers work, and I feel like all these events should be documented in a "site history" tab like world war 2 and such. Yes we have guidelines, tutorials on conduct and all, but I know some of us newer members would benefit from a history thread of why and how certain policies have come to be, what it took for the first elite showcase to be considered elite, when mat board was first introduced and in what application, and all the other innovations. To me I think that would give the site a more living feel, and would generate alot more respect to the craft and the brotherhood so people dont treat it like craigslist(all they want is help and ask for files, dont contribute any ideas or even post their work) Idk its just an idea, I know this would take a tremendous amount of digging by mods to do and wouldnt be a fun job, but thhats my thoughts lol