"Help!" for: Papercraft or Pepakura

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I wanted to know if anyone could(or is willing to) help me scale a whole suit well actually two whole suits i plan to make and i wanted to know if anyone has a H3 Scout chest plate file and the H3 Multiplayer ODST Helmet file because i have noticed most wikis lack these all in all any help at all will be greatly appreciated, thanks guys for not being like the Bungie forums or waypoint those guys are scary mean lol.
I've never used a forum before, so I hope I'm doing this right!

My little brother is a big fan of halo, and wanted a helmet...and since I haven't been able to spend much time with him this year due to being away at school, I was thinking that this could be a really cool project to do with/for him.
I've got the pep file that he likes, and as far as I know, it's scaled...I've printed everything out, and cut/folded the pieces.. The only problem now is that I'm just not sure where/how to start!

Anybody have tips on how/where to start the assembly of the pep for a helmet?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks :)
I've never used a forum before, so I hope I'm doing this right!

My little brother is a big fan of halo, and wanted a helmet...and since I haven't been able to spend much time with him this year due to being away at school, I was thinking that this could be a really cool project to do with/for him.
I've got the pep file that he likes, and as far as I know, it's scaled...I've printed everything out, and cut/folded the pieces.. The only problem now is that I'm just not sure where/how to start!

Anybody have tips on how/where to start the assembly of the pep for a helmet?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks :)

Well, first off. You need to make sure you are using the right paper. 60 - 110 lbs cardstock does the trick, 60 lbs will be easier to cut out, but I would go with 110 for the strength. You can use a low temprature hot glue gun, or PVA glue. I have a helpful guide I dug up on the forums here : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_G2ZVHSFdwMZjdkOTBkZWQtNjcxNS00ZTljLTlkZGEtMTUzMGE5ZWZjYTFj/edit (Thanks Spitfire22V)
I apologize if i have posted this in the wrong thread. Wasn't to sure if i should post it here or 3D modeling. I'm sorry if it's in the wrong place.

Quick question. How do you unfold files in Pep Designer 3 ?

I just got sent a DS light helmet file and opened it in Pep designer 3 and clicked unfold and it unfolded it. But there's one piece that is huge and would cross 5 pages or so. I'm not going to build the helmet without permission but i'm just curious as to how would i cut the big piece into smaller pieces ?


The big piece is highlighted in red.

Thanks in advance.
I would say Break that part down into several smaller segments.

Heres a tip for anyone in the papercraft build stage: if you want good fold lines, take an X-acto blade, Dull it down to where it can't cut and go over fold lines like that. I've been doing that in conjunction with a steel ruler and Its never let me down.
How do i break it down into smaller segments ? I've never unfolded anything and just curious as to how to do it as i may give it a try at some point.
If you right-click in the 2D area and select the join/disjoin edges option you can separate the pieces or combine them. This may not be the actual name of the option, but it's something like that.
Quick question,

I'm trying to get a model unfolded that I obtained from another member here. The 3d model is the entire body not just the armor, so my question is, do I need to use a 3d modeling program to separate the armor from the "body" of the model or did I miss something in all my searching/tinkering. Besides moving vertecies I'm unable to spot something to remedy the problem.

Any info would be much appreciated.
Third time answering this in a week, seems to be a popular sport to break up models!

There is a lazy way and a pro way to do this.

The lazy way just has you put the pieces for each part on their own set of pages and then printing out only the pages you want (the m6X multi attachment pistol does this)

The pro way is this:

Google Sketchup is an easy and quick 3D modeling program, and you could easily separate the pieces with it. I did that on the ODST I'm working on, because 4shared doesn't work for me so I can't DL the files. But You might need Sketchup Pro.
Not a problem, it was more an amused observation! It was posted in the Misc help thread, so it would be hard to find!
Okay, just started my Weta ODST build, but whenever I go to print the pieces off from Pepekura I get a message popping up saying 'A part of development may not fit into printable area. Adjust scale?'

I make sure to set the paper to A4 and match the orientation to my printer in the settings, but I'm still getting this message. Am I missing something? :confused
The message means you have pieces hanging over the edge of the paper. In pep designer go through page by page on a high zoom setting, and look to see where even a tiny corner may be hanging over, and move it in! If it WAS letter, and you switched to A4, you have to be careful because letter is "wider" and A4 is longer.

Never say yes to adjust scale, it will shrink everything.
Weird, because I always double- and triple-check I've got nothing poking out the edge of the paper. Probably missing some minuscule corner or something.

Thanks, Katsu. :)

EDIT: Okay, made sure everything was on the individual papers and cross-checked the settings for A4 and landscape, etc. Same message popped, but it seems to have printed off fine regardless. Odd.
Huh, they could be overlapping each other? Hahaha, well either way if it prints out okay, then no biggie. That program is squirrely as the dickens!
Katsu, I've seen your pep work and I'm finding that it's fairly clean. While I've been working on mine, some of the edges are slightly sloppy and the faces tend to warp a lot. Any tips?
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