pepped my first helmet and then realized that it is too small and am clueless on how to scale my second one
It's ok, it's all right to make mistakes caus I do
pepped my first helmet and then realized that it is too small and am clueless on how to scale my second one
Not being funny, but have you read the tutorials?
They're all stickied at the top of the noob forum... Halogoddess' tut is particularly helpful.
Hello! I am completely new to making Halo armor and I am very excited about it! I downloaded pepakura and started working on the rogue helmet found in the Halo costuming wiki. Instead of starting with cardstock, I started with regular printer paper just to see if I could do it and if it was sized okay. If all ends well, I am going to start on my card stock helmet. Before I started, I watched several videos on how to do this and apparently the numbers are supposed to be on the outside of the helmet and the flaps on the inside. It's turning out great except for the numbers are on the inside and the flaps on the outside. Is this okay or do I need to fix it before I start with card stock? Thanks for your time!
I found a file that i need but it only has the left side is it possible to mirror the file for the right side?
when scaling a chest piece do you measure the width of your shoulders then the higth of your torso?
Hey Guys! I have been a member for a few years and have already done one helmet. I recently got the itch to try and build a new helmet so I went and downloaded the FLYINGSQUIRL HD model. I scaled it and put all the pieces within the boxes on the right hand side of the PEP program..... well, when I went to print it off, all the parts were printing like half on the sheets of paper and half off!! Has anyone ever experienced this? Oh, and when I went to check "Print Preview" everything shows up half on the paper and half off.. I tried messing with the settings, searching the forums and using Google and still can't find a solution to this Please respond if you know how I can fix this! thanks!
yes sir! what settings do you need a pic of? just the printer settings or? and where would you like me to post it! Thanks for the quick response too!
k, pics are taken. where would you like me to post it? Sorry, I know its a noob question but I have never posted in these forums before. i could just show you on skype if that would be easier just let me know