Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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Okay, so, I'm back... ish, for a small update.

I've been crazy busy the past week, between my school musical and re-arranging my room I haven't had much time to armor. However, I haven't stopped completely. In the depths of my room I found an old hockey chest protector, which would be perfect to mount the shoulder armor to. The chest protector is white, so I figured I would just dye it black. Unfortunately, It lead to a minor problem...

It turned purple. I think I might try and re-dye it, but there are only a few spots that can be seen, so idk yet.

Any thoughts?
Wow, a triple post, that has to be a new low for me, but it's for good cause I swear!

I haven't had much time for full armor work lately, but I have an awesome update. (well, that's my opinion anyway.)

Now to the update:
So, have you ever wondered what a plasma burned helmet would look like? What you would look like if you took a plasma round right to your face? Well, question no more!

I was thinking to myself today, "I wonder if I can make my ODST armor work at zombie fest this year, what would a zombie odst look like?" I've had an extra visor laying around because the paint chipped off, so I decided to find out. After it was cut, I put it in place and showed my parents, where my dad suggested melting the edges. I went with it because I can pass it as a plasma burn.

After that, I just got bored, so this happened:

I'm seriously considering this for use at conventions, it turned out so well!


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Haha, Thats so sick!

It looks great man, if you really wanted to pull it off at a convention you should add sum really detailed burn makeup. Either way its all looking great, keep it up!
Zomg! that helmet looks so badass! I've never seen a visor like that! Ossim!
Reminds me of the last cut-scene on Reach, how the helmets visor gets damaged.
I would definitely do burn makeup, but I did this in about 5 minutes with acrylic paints. There is a "mud" coat under the blood, but it doesn't show on camera.
Wow man your build is coming out great. The helmet you made came out super clean congrats. Lol
I need to get back at it again. I have really been slacking lately. But seeing your build gives me a lot of motivation. LOL keep it up man.
Holy cow! That looks just awesome. I love how accurate it looks. The zombie visor is pretty epic, and all of the pieces you've done have come out REALLY clean. Are you thinking of any weapons? But your customazation looks pretty sweet. Keep it up!
Sangheili- That's what happens when a soldier is killed. I'm going for a plasma-shot-to-the-face-but-somehow-survived look. Which in turn means I'll do a burned face underneath. Plus, my visor is removable, so I can pop the good one back in place and without having a totally destroyed looking helm.

Spartan- I want to do a weapon, but I haven't decided on which one yet. I think I'll wait until the suit is finish, or near finished before I start it, though, because I want as much experience as possible.

Kirrou- Thanks! Your helmet and all of your other files are awesome. I'm getting ready to do the gauntlets soon, too. Are you still doing more ODST models?
Kirrou- Thanks! Your helmet and all of your other files are awesome. I'm getting ready to do the gauntlets soon, too. Are you still doing more ODST models?

Thanks. This gauntlet is one of the models I am most proud of so I really hope you like them. And yeah I am modeling the a vest and also the shins from the Halo 3:ODST game. I have been away from the site and my build for a while but I am getting back into them soon. LOL
I can't wait to get the gauntlets finished, yours are the most accurate ones I've seen. Also, If you're doing shins, then I may wait to make yours. I peped one of Hugh Holder's, they're really good models, but they aren't the most game accurate.
3-D Gel made by Mehron works great for a fast bloody burn look. Of course my kit is a little old, so if you can't find that company its clear gelatin (the type used for caning)mixed with a red and blue food coloring. Just heat it up a little in hot water (double boiler) and it go's on real easy and stays looking wet till you remove it. I have a pic of it on my build page. it's on the 9'th page.
Plasma-shot-to-the-face = headshot. Face is part of head. Headshot = killed.

I'm just bustin' your chops man, it looks good!

Not necessarily. Plasma =/= bullet. The visor absorbed most of the heat and energy of the plasma bolt. The burn on the face is a result of the extreme heat being so close and the bit of plasma that did get through. Anyway... Thanks!

thorn- thanks for the tips, I've never done fake burns before! Also, I must say that your build is coming along nicely,
Okay, I have a few minor updates.

First, I've decided on my emblem.

It's Pisces. I've always likes my sign, plus it describes me fairly well, plus it's easy to paint.
(You can also see the nearly completed comm unit)

Next is another small thing

I made a template for the UNSC Medical ref badge. It's fairly accurate, so far as I can tell. It's impossible to see what it says in the small box, so I filled it in with "Optican". I printed the thing on sticker paper, then dirtied it with watered down brown paint.
*I would like to point out that I don't know my blood type, so I guessed.

My spring musical is over at my school, so I'll be able to get some big stuff done. Hopefully I'll have major updates soon!


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wow. did u vacform your visor?? btw its coming along very nicely. is that a CQ ODST?? or u just made the color scheme like that?
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