Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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I like this. Need to see it in context with the rest of the suit on.


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I'm curious as to where you got your Medical Reference patch. I planned on using this one but I wasn't sure if that style was from in game.

By the way great work so far its looking awesome keep up the good work


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Madpayas0- I'll post a picture later today.

ODST_21- I made it in GIMP, and printed it on sticker paper. I can post it if you want to use it.

Skullboy13- It was an odd model, but I was a game rip, so there tends to be faces that don't make sense.
I'm curious as to where you got your Medical Reference patch. I planned on using this one but I wasn't sure if that style was from in game.
I think that is from one of the short movies to announce HALO 3.
Sorry it took so long.


There's the shoulder in comparison with the rest of the armor.


There's the medical reference badge. GIMPs scaling is weird, so I scaled and printed it in word. Have fun with it.


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Wouldn't mind seeing a video on how you got the shoulder looking like that, overly real and high quality.
Wouldn't mind seeing a video on how you got the shoulder looking like that, overly real and high quality.

Next time I smooth a piece of my armor, I'll make a video on how I do it. I use the same process for most of my armor, so it should turn out the same. I want to do some work today, but the video probably won't be up until Tuesday night though.
looking really good man like that you are going with the some what mickey look.......and love the shoulder. when i did my med ref tag this is how mine came out hope ur kool with me post a pic of my shoulders if not sorry. but i painted mine by hand but thats me i like to paint. but keep up the work man i like how urs is goin....
I don't mind in the least. Your shoulders look great, I do like Hugh's pep. Its cool that yours is painted on, personally, I can paint, but I really don't like to.
I'm back!

Firstly, I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to the video tutorial yet, I haven't done any rondo/sanding in the past week. I promise when I do, which will be soon, I'll film it.

Next, one of the reasons I haven't done the vid yet is this:

Kirrou's gauntlet! I must say, it's an impressive piece, but it probably one of the more difficult ones of the build. I started to cut the foam details for it, but there are a few left to do.

And the other reason I haven't done the vid yet would be this:

The belt strapping! The only thing left for the belt is the "tactical" fanny pack, which just needs smoothing.

Well, that's it for now. The only armor that actually needs peped now is the left gauntlet. So hopefully I can have that done over the next week or so.


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After a week of inactivity, I'm back!

In the past week, I've finally repainted my helmet, because the original paint bothered me. Have a look:

The original paint was covered with clear coat to protect it, but it turned the whole helmet almost black, so I lost a lot of detail.

Today, I managed to sand, smooth, paint and detail the tactical fanny pack:

All that's left here is to mount it to the belt.

Again, I must say thanks to Hugh for such amazing files.


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I really haven't done too much armor wise this past week, so I spent all day to produce this:

The (right) thigh! Well, its the outer thigh, so I still need to do the foam inner thigh.

Hopefully tomorrow I cant finish the other outer thigh, leaving only shins and gauntlets.


  • odst__complete__thigh_by_jimmydamoose-d3jgs6m.jpg
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nice paint ob on the thigh i did the same thing but lighter color since i went the halo 3 paint job. but looking good man.
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