Hugh Holder's Models
Kirrou's Models
The armor I'm using comes from these two amazing modelers. Most of my armor, including the clips, comes from Hugh's files, since he has a full set. My helmet, chest plate, stomach plate, and eventually the gauntlets are Kirrou's.
If you're doing ODST armor, I highly recommend their stuff, its the best ODST stuff on here. If you do, make Hugh's chest plate, too. I made Kirrou's because it was the first file I found, and I really like it, but it doesn't fit quite right with his chest core.
As for the paint, I've been experimenting on techniques, this is my first build, so I'm only learning painting now. The chest plate was painted silver, then I used tooth paste where I wanted chips, and wiped it off after the red paint. As for the rest of the armor, the "damage" is brushed on with a paint brush. Just spray paint on the end of a coarse paintbrush, and paint it on. Personally, I like it much better.
I hoped this helps and wasn't some massive wall-o-text.