my freind had just told me about so i went there looking for a Bic pen crowsbow tut, the nerd i am i also searched halo armor resualting in me finding DoctorProfessorBiggs's tut, intriuged i looked on google until i stubled across 405th, a less than 10-15 page forum in standerd white-black text, i clicked on the first post i saw (i think skullcandy, but i maybe be wrong it was maybe two/1.5 years ago) i had no idea who adam was until i saw his youtube video of him going into gamestop (which they let him film, go figure) so yeah im a vetern in the traditional sense but never tried to make an acount until last year ending in me having to wait until you unlocked joining beacuase of spambots (i got a like 7 "enhancement" messeges :lol ). so i've been here lurking in the shadows for years but only came into the light of accountholder reacently. yeah, i know tltr xD