Im OFFICALY scared of National Geographic Channel..

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DrkZide said:
So you can test for those who are at high risk and there are tests for it, most doctors won't treat it since it goes away on it's on and especially if you're on an HMO they won't test for it. Genital warts can also be an effect but for MEN there is usually no treatment seeing as most men are just carriers. I just watched an hour long discussion on it on Discovery Health. Although I could be translating wrong...

It's just the way you stated it before made it sound like it's not treated or diagnosed AT ALL anymore. I just wanted you make sure you knew it was still treated and diagnosed, just not until it becomes a serious enough case. Just a little bit of miscommunication between us.
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DrkZide said:
I stand corrected. Damn you Quantum Mechanics :p :lol:
I don't see the stand in your argument? There is a shot to prevent it, and as the article itself states

So you can test for those who are at high risk and there are tests for it, most doctors won't treat it since it goes away on it's on and especially if you're on an HMO they won't test for it. Genital warts can also be an effect but for MEN there is usually no treatment seeing as most men are just carriers. I just watched an hour long discussion on it on Discovery Health. Although I could be translating wrong...

Are you trying to give us nightmares?!?!?!?!
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smilie120 said:
Are you trying to give us nightmares?!?!?!?!

The real nightmare comes when you don't know this stuff is coming. Then when it blindsides you, you don't know what to do. Knowledge is power, the power to help others and yourself.

Sorry if that worries you, but that's the truth of it.
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23Magnum said:
The real nightmare comes when you don't know this stuff is coming. Then when it blindsides you, you don't know what to do. Knowledge is power, the power to help others and yourself.

Sorry if that worries you, but that's the truth of it.

o_O No but the truth is scary! Can somone tell me this sutff is non-existen? il be ok then :) ,although i'd have forgotten all this by tommorow lol.
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I don't know if this was said, but they were using a particle accelerator to induce nuclear fusion, or the fussing of 2 hydrogen atoms. This is a step up, and is not to be confused with, nuclear fission, what we use now for nuclear power. Fission if the splitting of an Uranium atom. Fission bombs were the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We have Fusion bombs, but we have not been able to harness fusion into a viable energy source yet. Fusion is more powerful than fission. It is actually the process that fuels the sun. The Program had nothing to do with Black Holes or any other stellar phenomenon. The reason I know this is Fusion is because it is estimated that we will have Fusion power by 2011 and because of the History Channel
No, the only thing that you have to fear from a Nuclear Reactor is a meltdown, at least with Fission. I am not sure about Fusion. There has only been one Nuclear Melt-Down in the History of Earth. That was in the USSR, and that was a result of improper safety procedures. I am sure you are familiar with it, it was in Chernobyl. There is no threat of that in America.

If anyone is going to be afraid of anything, the most destructive force in the Universe, a Gamma Ray Burst, is something to be afraid of. Although Incredibly rare in regards to one occurring in a galaxy, they are quite frequent in regards to the Universe. Basically, they occur when a large star goes Super Nova. When this happens, the compressing core, becoming ultra dense, forms a black hole. When this occurs, a gamma ray burst erupts in a linear path out of the star. Gamma Ray Bursts do not occur at every Super Nova. This can be compared to when you squeeze an orange (an intact one) and juice squirts out of the end. One hitting Earth would have catastrophic results. But, one only has occurred in this galaxy that has hit Earth, maybe. Scientists think that a Gamma Ray Burst caused a mass extinction in Earth's History. Not the Dinosaurs, but similar. There is little chance of one hitting Earth in the lifetime of Humanity.
daystar558 said:
how about nuetron bombs? killing every living thing while leaving buildings untouched?

Well one thing is for sure: my fat ass aunt won't be killed for sure. She IS her

Maybe I should just hide her and the world population behind her....but then again we'd get an ice age from the lack of sunshine penetrating her
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It won't happen for many many reasons:
A black hole is formed from a Supernova, which is the cause of a blue Super giant star at the end of its life cycle, also the gravitational force in a black hole is so intense, light cannot escape it. Now what does this mean you may ask? There is NO piece of technology on earth that would even be capable to produce the energy needed to make a black hole, also if they made one, it would collapse on itself considering the size, also, WHY? Why do we need to figure out the black hole? Its impossible to make one without a supernova. Here's an Example: a thimble full of the material inside a black hole weighs more then x1000 earths. THATS how much density you need, and no technology on earth can produce it, and probably never will. Now faster then light travel is a larger possibility.
faster than light travel would be awesome, i could visit the person i love who lives 207 miles away in a split second, but still im 16 and when i was 7 i got so **** scarred about the world ending probably because my mum liked to play war of the worlds that scared the **** out of me, after that phase i got rly upset that my mum would die at some point but now im over that sorta, so yeah we live in scary times where theories are waved around that scare people to death but most likely will never happen, but you never know what the future holds.
black holes, brain eaters and other crap like that doesnt scare me.

THE DREADED CANDERU!!!!(if its spelt right) scares the crap outta me.
alittle catfish that lives in the amazon that swims into your urethra and "spines" itself into it causing massive pain. plus it eats at the living tissue of the penis.

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Spartan857 said:
black holes, brain eaters and other crap like that doesnt scare me.

THE DREADED CANDERU!!!!(if its spelt right) scares the crap outta me.
alittle catfish that lives in the amazon that swims into your urethra and "spines" itself into it causing massive pain. plus it eats at the living tissue of the penis.

ok, that does scare me, at least if a black hole occurred, we'd be dead in seconds, not... very long... and painful, it just hurts thinking about it.
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Ragnarok118 said:
And Wiki isn't 100% true 100% of the time

True, but it's up to you really to find out if their information is valid or not. That's why they have a reference section at the bottom of any article. I'd rather rely on Wiki than say google.
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I just want to know... what happened to the fly cars.

(although I think it's a dumb idea, but, when you think about the future, try to remember what they thought the future would be like in the past... ie, what they thought in the 80's it would be like now).

Personally I'm more worried about corporate america taking over and creating a 1984 type society....
Dmitri Molotov said:
dude, the ancient mayans predicted that the world would end in 2012, give or take 3 years.

No dude, THEY didn't predict the world would end. THEY predicted a Polar Shift.

Look it up on

Before the last polar shift the north pole was in Alaska. And the shift, depending on how fast, would cause mass extinctions..

5 days=everyone dead. 5 weeks=ALOT of people dead. 5 years=alot of plants dead.
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No, that's just when they're calender ends. There are so many different end of the world things.. .Mayan Calender, Cthulhu, Armageddon, the Anti-Christ... ah hell, who cares? I just stopped worrying about it, and I suggest you all do to. What happens happens, and there's not t a thing we can do about it. (Other than build MAC Orbital Defense Platforms around Earth to ward off Asteroids. We have the means, not the money.)

Just forget it all!

Spartan-419 said:
No, that's just when they're calender ends. There are so many different end of the world things.. .Mayan Calender, Cthulhu, Armageddon, the Anti-Christ... ah hell, who cares? I just stopped worrying about it, and I suggest you all do to. What happens happens, and there's not t a thing we can do about it. (Other than build MAC Orbital Defense Platforms around Earth to ward off Asteroids. We have the means, not the money.)
Just forget it all!

Isn't money sort of part of the means...?

anyways I meant flying cars, not fly cars ;)
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