I know more about the drug than most public does, so let me clear a few things up.
My mother's company, Merck, is under fire for this drug.
It is a prevention for cervical cancer.
There's different numbers of cervical cancer a woman can get, like type 52.
Gardisal protects against ALL MAJOR numbers of cervical cancer, so a woman is less likely to contract it.
This means that there is still a chance, given a very slim chance, that a woman can still get the cancer.
But it's a small percentage.
Also, what some colleges do is their business.
Naturally, some people will have side effects to medicine, but none are serious. Meaning, will bounce back after having the side effects.
And lastly, cervical cancer can be, in some instances, hereditary, so even if you eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, there's still a chance you can contract it, and if you take the shot, there is even less of a chance you can get it.
Trust me, I know a lot about it.
I'm going to get the shots. Vagina cancer just doesn't sound like a party.