Introduce Yourself

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Name: Use you're Imagination and make a name up. Kai fine. It's AJ
Profession:Sleeping, Eating, And taking a test here and there
Age: 13
Favorite Hobby:I would say sleep but you guys gotta know something about me. Hmmm. Doing stuff that never works for me. Halo Armor, And other crazy projects.
Favorite part of Halo:THe part where you kill aliens. WITH A SNIPER. HEAD SHAWT
Favorite Halo: REACH
Favorite Video Game: Close Between Reach and MW2. Black ops make me wanna gag.
Other Interests:Skiing(The part where I don't get hurt, unlike today) and figuring out how things work.
Favorite Food: The edible kind
Other: XBOX LIVE GT:HypnoticKrazy
Hypnotic Clan FTW (We suck)
Name: Marti (though i really do prefer you to call me Goss or Gossy)
Profession: Borrower Services Representative
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Creating costumes
Favorite part of halo: red vs blue
Favorite Halo: 3 (i've never actually played, only watched others, but I now have in my possession a xbox360)
Favorite Video Game"s": if you mean on the console, Zelda. if you mean on my computer, World of Warcraft
Other Interests: Reading, drawing, cooking
Favorite Food: Pot roast. or maybe chicken dumpling stew. do desserts count? wait... I'd never be able to list them all... I'm going back to pot roast.
Favorite Finisher: glomp of doom!
Favorite Band: Super Junior
Favorite Movie(s): I don't really have a favorite.
Name: Alex Fager
Profession: Videogame expert
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Music, then videogames, then armor making.
Favorite part of halo: Either the epicness of the storys of all of them or the armor. Its a tie.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Either halo or Zelda
Other Interests: Music all over the place. I play three different instruments and am in like three different bands. Go no galletas!(thats my band.)
Favorite Food: Pizza all the way across the sky
Favorite Band: Prolly Queens of the stone age
Favorite Movie(s): School of Rock!
Other: uuummm...I text alot?

Name: Troy R
Profession: Teacher
Age: 34
Hobbies: Hanging Out w/friends, watching movies, ren fest, video games
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Games: Rockband 2, FFVII, FFx, Zelda, halo, & the lego games..
Favorite Movie(s): Boondock Saints (1&2), and almost any comic book movie
Other: made/buit my first suit of leather armor for ren fest last year, hopefully this summer I can make an assassin's creed outfit to wear this year
Name:SPARTACUS!MWAHAHAHAHA! No not really its Arfon Williams.
Proffesion:High School student.
Age: Why would u wanna know?
Hobbies: Playin Halo,anoin my brother.
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach, Halo Wars.
Favorite movie: Avatar
Modoling experience:Just wanting to start now.
Name: Chase P
Age: 25
Profession: Account Manager
Favorite Movie: Iron Man, Iron Man 2
Hobbies: GeoCaching, Prop Building
Other: I may be the odd ball out, but I am not the avid Halo fan like everyone else. I played when I was younger, but being color blind made it difficult to see other players. My brother-in-law has done a great job in updating me on the Halo world, I've watched Halo: Legends, and my first build was a Spartan Helmet for my brother-in-law.
well better to do it now then later

name: Richard(but know as the foxleader)
age: 21
and that's all but i will post pic's later of my projects
job: school at the moment that and this.
favorite movie: avatar, and now battle la because of all the halo bits
hobbies: writing, armor building, and i might try to start a film
other: i don't come on very often but, when i do i might post pic of my project's or of something i was thinking about doing. as well I'm a member of the redvsblue site sorry i don't run the 405th group there yet, as for family not one but me like's halo or the armor I've made because a lot of it and it takes up room.
Name: Donald Dodge
Profession: Currently a student/Maritime Engineer
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Skiing, play vgs
Favorite part of halo: I like the ODST branch.. definitive FPS action
Favorite Halo: ODST-Storyline, gameplay: Reach
Favorite Video Game: LoZ:MM, Halo, Batman:AA
Other Interests: Drawing, sleeping, chillin with buds
Favorite Food: 32 oz Prime Rib
Favorite Finisher: Lionheart-FFVIII
Favorite Band: Linkin Park
Favorite Movie(s): Indiana Jones:LC, Star Trek, Tron:Legacy, similar stuff
Other: Haven't been able to build much, lots of time spent at school... trying to get free time
Name: Jared
Profession: Currently work in the IT Department of a major utility company here, building internal websites for our team
Age: 22, will be 23 this June
Favorite Hobby: lots.
Favorite part of halo: the story. I yelled out "Noooooooooo!" When Kat died in Reach....
Favorite Halo: Reach. Best. Story. Ever.
Favorite Video Game: Halo series, CoD, Battlefield BC2, Forza3, Ace Combat series, Zelda series
Other Interests: Lots
Favorite Food: again, lots. Haha
Favorite Band: Rammstein
Favorite Movie(s): Saving Private Ryan

Starting on my new project:

Building a complete Spartan Master Chief armor suit with helmet and a complete ODST Rookie armor suit with helmet. Finished the first base model render on saturday and hope to finish the second one today. Its exciting. I have three months to get both suits done. I hope I can do it in time.
Name: Brice Gielgens
Profession: Graphic Illustration/Nerdcore Hobbyist
Age: 19
Favorite Hobb(y/ies): Music, Drumming, Drawing, Painting, Leatherwork, Costuming/Prop Building
Favorite part of halo: Online experience, Novels
Favorite Halo: tie between Reach and Combat Evolved
Favorite Video Game(s) : Halo and Dead Space series
Other Interests: Hobbying, anything from Magic The Gathering, jamming out my favorite songs on the drums, to watching Adventure Time
Favorite Food: Spaghetti (made by someone Dutch)
Favorite Band : too big of a question, favs range from Reel Big Fish to Dethklok to RX Bandits to Cake (always finding new favs)
Favorite Movie(s): Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, Fantastic Mr. Fox
Other: I'm always busy
Name:Ruben Bender
Profession: Mechanical Projetist
Age: 34
Favorite Hobb(y/ies): Movies, Games and Sci Fi books
Favorite part of halo: The mithology
Favorite Halo: ODST participations
Favorite Video Game(s) :Halo, CoD series
Other Interests: Star Wars Universe
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band : Van Halen
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars saga
Other:Costume making
Name: Tyler MacLean; but Seriously, call me Kasaron
Profession: CAD, Machining, Design, 3D. Currently a CAD Technician for a local college.
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Designing Machines.
Favorite Part of Halo: Gotta be da dakka.
Favorite Halo: Tie between Reach and the old PC version.
Favorite Video Game: Hooooboy. That's like asking what;s your favorite food; too many choices and comparing apples to oranges. Portal, TF2, DeadSpace, Dragon Age, COD:BO, etc.
Other Interests: Besides making stuff? Making more stuff.
Favorite Food: See above.
Favorite Finisher: Supping people with shotguns. What's supping? Supping is where you run around to someone's flank and zip up to them while they are distracted, and blow their heads clean off, while saying "Sup." Preferably in games where said enemy can hear you say it.
Other: High-damage AoEs are hilarious. Doubly so when they effect teammates. Just sayin'.
Name:Taylor G.
Profession: Freelance artist, slacking college student and struggling comic maker
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: drawing, video games, costuming
Favorite part of halo: Multiplayer and designs-its what first got me into the Xbox live experience
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Mass effect 2 (sorry...)
Other Interests: Art and weaponry, Star wars...
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Band: The Fratellis
Favorite Movie(s): Original "Star Wars Trilogy", the "Alien" franchise, "Predator" and "The room"

I'm just your typical smart ass, slightly vulgar artist chick with a sharp tongue, pleased to meet you all.
Name: Adrian
Age: 18
Hobbies: video games, drawing, skating, Prop building...
Favorite Part of Halo: Multiplayer and Forge :)
Favorite Halo: Reach, Halo 3
Favorite Video Games: Halo 1, 2, 3, 3 ODST, Reach, Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 1, 2...
Favorite Food: ''Schweinsbraten'' <-- Typical bavarian dish :)
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favoriite Movies: Zombieland, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings.....
Profession: financial consultant
Age: 29
Favorite Hobb(y/ies): playing the guitar, music in general, partwork modeling, going to the gym, little bit of paintball recently
Favorite part of halo: none, i love em all
Favorite Halo: see above
Favorite Video Game(s): Halo, CoDMWII, Fallout 3
Other Interests: Science Fiction, fantasy stuff and costume making as of late ;-)
Favorite Band : Metallica
Hello 405th !! I'm from Mexico, and I'm so happy to be a member of this site... Let's Rock dudes!!

Name: Alberto
Profession: Developer
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Surfing the Internet, VideoGames, Watching TV
Favorite part of halo: When I saw the Flood by first time, was so exiting
Favorite Halo: all
Favorite Video Game: I like to play it and enjoy it all, but maybe now is REACH and COD:MW2
Other Interests: I like NitroRC cars [i have a Traxxas REVO 3.3] and going out with my friends
Favorite Band: The Beatles, The Pillows
Name:Vaggelis Derekas
Profession:Master seargant Greek Air force
Favorite music:metall and rock of the 80's
Favorite movie:v for venteta
Favorite video game darcksiders hallo (all) devil may cry
favorite hobby:arcwelding paintball motorcycles travels

i like fixing stuff.. :) i hope to be helpfull to all of you and make a nice project for the forum!
Name: Bryan Miller
Profession: Student
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Antique boats and motors, Armor modeling
Favorite part of halo: Cortana: "Thank you Sgt, HE never gets me anything"
Sgt Johnson: " Oh I know what the ladies like"
level; The ladies like armor plating
Favorite Halo: play wise Halo reach. Story line would be a tie between reach and 2
Favorite Video Game: Gears of war 2 or Halo Reach
Other Interests: CADD modeling and armor design
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite Finisher: headshot
Other: Team SWAT will make you a man.
heck ill do this to

name: jeremy

job: student


favirote halo: all of them!

favirote video game: halo,lost planet 2,and left 4 dead 2\

about me: im a noob at pepekura,i study fossils that i find,and playing xbox 360

favirote food: karage chicken and pizza

fact: the way to tell if a zebra is black or white look at its butt

and everybody on 405th is EXTREMLY HELPFUL!!!!!!

frustration index meter: double obama and tariaki!!!!
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