Hey everyone, I'm completely new to this kind of work, but I'm really looking forward to doing this! My self and three of my friends are planning out a rather ambitious project which I'll post when I get to the right rank
Anyway, here's the info..
Name: Sean
Profession: College Student (UK) in IT Software (Hoping to get into the games industry)
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Computing and being a geek

Favorite part of halo: Halo CE? The massive universe that has been created by the Halo franchise is a real marvel and a great inspiration. While I find the recent games have been a bit of a let down, the content and material they both deliver is fantastic

Favorite Halo: Combat Evolved

Favorite Video Game: I can't honestly answer this question, but I do believe Battlefield Bad Company 2 has one of the best Multiplayer experiences I've ever played, while Mass Effect is a real inspiration due to it's really well thought out universe

Other Interests: I spend a lot of free time designing video game concepts. These aren't just barely thought out ideas, I pay attention to storylines and balancing issues and I'm constantly thinking about what modern games offer and what gamers want and will play. It's really difficult coming up with original ideas or features that most players will actually engage in.
Favorite Food: Uh, easy stuff. Like pasta, or pizza

Favorite Finisher: Interesting, I can't say I really have one. Not to say I don't love fight scenes

Favorite Band: Too many to number, I have noticed I'm listening to Celldweller and Foo Fighter a lot recently though.
Favorite Movie(s): Hmm, I don;t think I've watched any really good films recently, so I can;t think of them right now. I saw Thor and Your Highness recently however, and they where both pretty good

Other: I can't say I've ever done anything of note. I've always had trouble getting things done and I have a nasty feeling it'll be the bane of me, despite my capability.
However, I'm hoping a project like this will be the first of many and I am determined to get this done!
Also, my two friends haven't currently registered, but when they do, chances are they'll be HyperNinjaBagel and IAMDIZZYONFANTA. As for the last one, I'm not sure what her name will be...
Anyway, I'll see everyone about the forums