Name: Tim
Age: 31
Hobbies: EVE Online (Can't wait for DUST 514!!!). Hockey... watching it, not playing. I'd love to play it, but I have zero hand-eye coordination

Favorite Food: All of it. Except peas. ;-)
Other information: As part of an online gaming community in EVE Online, I've been to several Fan Fests hosted by CCP, in Reykjavik, Iceland. Our corporation (or Guild, as it would be called in other games) is very close nit, and spans the entire globe. While it's EVE that brought us together, we've since branched out all over the place covering consoles and PC's, MMORPG's, RPG's, RTS, FPS, Strategy, and Puzzle Solving games (especially physics-based puzzle solving). Pretty much... if it's a video game, at least a handful of our members have played it. As such, we're all also big fans of fan art, fan fiction, and other fan-related media for all of our favorite video games. This brought us to the wonderful Fallout Fan Fiction Video done by Indy Mogul. I watched it and loved it, and wanted more. Indy Mogul directed me to Backyard FX (and apparently here, but I didn't visit 405th until after BYFX) and their videos on making props, which led me to this amazing community.
Sort of a long story on how I've come to find the 405th and fall in love, but that's it. I've always enjoyed building model cars and aircraft, but the problem with those is that when you're done, you're done. They just sit there and look pretty. So after my teenage years, I quit building models. This always bothered me, because I felt like I was putting my creative side in a corner and telling it that it was useless. I'm a technical guy after all. Math and Science, ya'know? 1+1=2. Not much room for creativity there, so I shelved it. That is, until last month. While I only recently registered here, I've been using the 405th as an invaluable resource for armor building. I've begun my first build... Inspired by Longshot-X and Ithica's builds and tutorials, I've started with pep Mk VI MJOLNIR armor. Once I've had a chance to read through more of the forums, I'll start a WIP thread and keep everyone updated.
And I feel that I can already pass along advice (I've already pepped several pieces and took lots of pictures!)... Longshot's Elite build thread is an extremely informative read. I've taken notes, even if it was things that he didn't directly come out and say, it was in the pictures. ORGANIZE YOURSELF. Seriously, take notes. Write down everything. Take pictures. I've already had to go back through my pics and notes to see how I accomplished things, and what worked best for certain situations, and I'll continue to do so. I've got everything for this build organized into a single 3-ring binder. All of the pep prints (with notes on each) a full section of just pepping and glueing notes (as I haven't even jumped into resin or fiberglassing yet), all organized into one binder.
That's all I got for now! Greetings everyone, and here's to a bright future!