Introduce Yourself

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Name:John aka Dloc
Profession: Vector Marketing
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Electronics and other hobbys also
Favorite part of halo: i love that fact that its action packed theres never a dall moment and it keeps you on your toes
Favorite Halo: 1 and reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo or COD series
Other Interests: i like to read and build things in my free time it just keeps me busy and i love to learn new things
Favorite Food: pizza (who doesnt like pizza)
Favorite Finisher: not to sure really
Favorite Band: ICP
Favorite Movie(s): Behind Enemy Lines, American Gangster, Wedding Crashers
Other: im a student at ITT
Name: Steve-O
Profession: USAF (4 years)
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: The Story and the music.
Favorite Halo: ODST and Reach
Favorite Video Game: City of Heroes
Other Interests: I play guitar, do a lot of fiction writing for RP groups I'm in in CoH, and I'm a dad
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Band: David Crowder*Band
Favorite Movie(s): Jurassic Park, Ghostbusters, Star Trek, TRON(s)
Other: Loads of other stuff, sheesh. lol

I've been kinda haunting the boards for a while now, but finally got an account registered. Gonna be working on a custom ODST build along with a buddy of mine once he returns from deployment. Should be fun! I love the stuff I've been finding around here!
Name: Justin Regis
Profession: Dont have one at the moment, however next year I may work at gamestop (not old enough yet)
Age: 15 1/2 (Almost got my permit :D)
Favorite Hobby: Playing Halo or Airsofting at my local airsoft field
Favorite part of halo: Hmmm I would have to say my favorite part of Halo would be Halo CE when your first introduced to the flood.
Favorite Halo: Halo CE
Favorite Video Game: Halo(any) or COD 4
Other Interests: Eating, Sleeping, running, haveing a good time with my friends
Favorite Food: Sushi or nice AMERICAN BBQ
Favorite Finisher: the assassination in halo Reach when you tackle someone to the floor and stab their neck
Favorite Band: Rise Against
Favorite Movie(s): Battle LA, The A-TEAM
Name: Michael Pankov
Profession: MMO-RPG Gold Trader
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, and hockey
Favorite part of halo: Jorge.
Favorite Halo: 1,3,Reach
Favorite Video Game: Assassin's Creed
Other Interests: Art, Video editing, Graphic design
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Band: I like all music the same.
Favorite Movie(s): I don't watch movies much... If they only made a halo movie lol.
Well....I already introduced myself a bit in my first thread, but I guess I can do it here too
Name: Nicholas. Nick for short
Profession:Ca Army National Guard
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Working on PR helmets(atm) and my car
Favorite part of halo: The books
Favorite Halo: The Fall of Reach
Favorite Video Game: Sonic
Other Interests: Reading, phoroshop, power rangers, batman, cars, snowboarding. The list can go on but ill stop here
Favorite Food: Pizza, burgersm tacos, steak....ummm meat?
Favorite Band: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favorite Movie(s): To many to list
Name: Patrick, AKA Batty, Dedalous
Profession: Tactical Paintball Refferee, Veterinary Kennel Technitian
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Paintball and Animals
Favorite Part of Halo: SSgt Avery Johnson
Favorite Halo: Reach, if for no other reason than the space combat.
Favorite Video Game: Half Life 2
Other interests: Paintball, competing labrador retrievers, computers, building, modding, and technology in general
Favorite food: Cheeseburger Mac
Favorite Band: Five Finger Death Punch
Favorite Movie: Titan AE
Bryan Newman
Age 18
Aspiring film director (I have my own production company)
Looking for halo armor to purchase for live action Halo short film... message me if you have a piece to sell.
Name: Jason Ellenburg
Profession: In between at the moment
Age: 32
Favorite Hobby: Costuming
Favorite part of Halo: The storyline
Favorite Halo: Halo Wars
Favorite Video Game: Mass Effect
Other Interests: Guns, women, and friends (not necessarily in that order)
Favorite Food: Chili mac
Favorite Finisher: The double-tap tea bag
Favorite Band: Battlelore
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars (all), Avatar, and The Princess Bride
Other: I spent 9 years in the U.S. Army, most of it spent surrounded by some nice toys in an Arms Room.
Name: Luciano
Profession: assistant manager in a knife shop
Favorite hobby: Costume making
Favorite part of Halo: The armour
Favorite video game: Iron Man
Other interests: Cooking, camping/hiking
Favorite foods: BBQ

name:brandon (im korean:cool)
no profesion
fav hobby: paintball and video games
fav part of halo: the part where u kill covanent
fav halo: tie between odst & reach (they were different so i like them beter)
fav video game: ANY FPS
other interests: music (im in our school band)
fav food: kimbap (its sorta like sushi but korean)
fav band: linkin park and one republic
fav movies: dont watch many
other: im korean:D:p

Name: Ken
Profession: Military and Law Enforcement sales
Age: Geezer
Favorite Hobby: Historical Reenacting
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Fallout 3, Red Orchestra
Other Interests: Internet Research Movies, International Travel
Favorite Food: Red Meat
Other: Acting, Movie Military Advisor
Oh yeah.... because I haven't done this yet...

Name: Izy
Profession: ATM, artist and costume maker
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby(s): Drawing, making costumes, herpetology, playing field hockey, playing video games, playing paintball, modeling
Favorite part of halo: Wort wort wort wort... (aka the Elites)
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Resistance, Okami, Lost Planet 2, Pokemon (yeah that's right...)
Other Interests: Same as my hobbies
Favorite Food: Pizza and ice cream
Favorite Finisher: Swish swish death
Favorite Band: N/A
Favorite Movie(s): I Am Legend
Other: I'm a big animal person. ATM I have 9 snakes (6 corns, 1 common boa, 1 albino boa, and brazilian rainbow boa), dog (shiba inu), bird (cocktiel), veiled chameleon, 3 other lizards (haitian curly tail, red eyed crocodile skink, and gridled lizard), and a praying mantis.
Name: Chris
Profession: Work for my local Cinema, full time at the moment, hope to work in video games
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, model making
Favorite part of halo: Epic story and music, plus the awsome tech
Favorite Halo: hmm...most likly CE, I would love to see a remake with nothing changed but the graphics
Favorite Video Game: Halo series, and Battlefield Bad company 2
Other Interests: Often do WW2 re-enactments [airsoft]
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Favorite Finisher: Reach assainations
Other: I hope to make a decent set of ODST armour, plus weapons for an airsofting day I have planned with a number of friends
Name: Zachary

Profession: School

Age: 17

Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Drawing, Mountain Biking, Paintball.

Favorite part of halo: In the first Halo when master chief discovers the flood

Favorite Halo: All of Them

Favorite Video Game: Halo or Assassins Creed

Favorite Finisher: CHUCK NORRIS!

Favorite Band: Skillet

Favorite Movie(s): Gladiator, LOTR Series, Star Wars, Avatar
Name: AJ
Location: New Orleans LA
Age: 24
Profession: Graduate Student
Hobbies: Airsoft, Bar Crawls, Drawing, Video Games
Favorite Part of Halo: When Emile tells six that Jorge forgets who he is sometimes, dunno why
Favorite Video Game: Battlefield Series
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Finisher: Noob Saibots make a wish or w/e
Favorite band(s): Deftones, Muse, or TooL can't really decide
Favorite Movie(s): Snatch, Ip Man, Duel to the Death, Aliens
I've been told that I am a naughty boy for not introducing myself, so here goes .....

Name: I'm Simon, currently residing in the beautiful South Wales Valleys. However! I am an interloper! Originally born and bred in West London I'm a city boy gone native.
Profession: I am a photographer, artist, body artist, life sculptor and general prosthetic and props maker. I love creating something from nothing and there's no better canvas than the human body.
Currently Welsh Amateur Champion Body Artist.
Age: 48
Favorite Hobby: Women
Favorite part of halo: The gear
Favorite Halo: Never played it
Favorite Video Game: Wipeout
Other Interests: I like working with scale models too, mostly to relieve boredom....

Having a party? Going into town at the weekend? Event organiser? Then drop me a line, temporary body art including airbrush, stencil and freehand 7 day tattoos a speciality! Good rates! Travel anywhere for the right money! ...... Go on you know you want to ....

Favorite Band: Too many to list
Favorite Movie(s): The Italian Job (original), The Day The Earth Stood Still (original), The Searchers, Predator (all of em), Forbidden Planet, Alien (all of em), oh god the list is endless

Obviously feel free to contact me with any paid commissions (yeah right!), xD

Name: Kari, R.
Profession: School
Age: 16 ( 17 in a month)
Favorite Hobby(s): Drawing, making costumes, video games, reading, painting, listening to Music Scores, riding, anime,
Favorite part of halo: Anything on the Forerunners
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Any Halo game, Assassin's Creed
Other Interests: Transformers, Chocolate~, the quiet outdoors
Favorite Food: Chicken and Rice
Favorite Band: Within Temptation
Favorite Movie(s): Transformers, Howl's Moving Castle, Tangled
Name: Deuce Epperson
Profession: P.O.S.T graduate currently work Security Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: Boxing, Training, Shooting, Time with my daughter.
Favorite part of halo: Escaping the Pillar of Atumn
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Halo: ODST
Other Interests: Training, Guns, and Family
Favorite Food: Tunafish Sandwich
Favorite Finisher: HEADSHOT!
Other: I'm new to this and looking for some good pointers and assistance.
Name: Jon Christian
Profession: Border Patrol Agent
Favorite Hobby: DIY Projects
Favorite part of halo: The art and imagery.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Civilization
Other Interests: Archery/Marksmanship, Art, Crafting, Video Games.
Favorite Food: Korean
Favorite Finisher: Slow motion exploding head shot in V.A.T.S. (Fallout 3)
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favorite Movie(s): Exit Through the Gift Shop, Limitless, Zeitgeist
Other: I ran the Philli Marathon
Name: Eddie R.
Profession: System Support Engineer for BD
Age: 38
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Sports
Favorite part of halo:
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Grand Theft Auto 3
Other Interests: Mountain Biking and fishing
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Finisher: Ken
Favorite Band: The Roots
Favorite Movie(s): Law Abiding Citizen
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