Whoops, already fired off a few posts before this one. Oh well, better late than never
Name: Breandán Ó Ciarraí
Profession: Complicated... Semi-retired RRT and PSD medic (for DynCorp, SOC and Triple Canopy, primarily), which was my "day job", so now I write novels, write for a game company, and pry the occasional toddler or infant off of my head.
Age: 29 again, and getting really good at it

(read: 38 and not wanting to admit it)
Favorite Hobby: Metric butt-tonne of them, but most of them are blasé stress-relievers (farming, woodworking, etc.) The only "cool" hobbies I do are bladesmithing (and general blacksmithing) and writing.
Favorite part of halo: Honestly, I am a lore junky, so I researched the batcrap out of the story and setting even though I've never played past Halo 2 (FINALLY got an XBox, so that will change soon)
Favorite Halo: Can't say yet, see above
Favorite Video Game: Currently Skyrim
Other Interests: Celtic history and culture (meh, I'm a traditionalist), swordsmanship (odd, I know, but I got hooked on AEMMA up north and ARMA down here)
Favorite Food: dead cow
Favorite Finisher: crit-killing a dragon in Skyrim... with fists

Favorite Band: I don't have one, tops are Rush, Led Zepplin, Mag, Rob Zombie, the Eagles, Dropkick Murphys, etc.
Favorite Movie(s): Both Conans (Arnie and Mamoa versions), RED, and 2 out of 3 movies with Bruce Campbell in them (I gave him grief for one particular movie about space termites... I think he needed the money, which is why he got sucked into that abomination)
Other: I'll be appearing as a guest (writer/author) at Comicpalooza and Space City Con in Houston this year, and OwlCon, Origins, Space City Con, and DragonCon next year, so if anyone makes it to one of those, drop by and say hi