Name: Jeremy
Profession: The Laws!

Age: 36
Hobbies: Sitting back with the Kiddo and
Anything the wife lets me do.
Favorite part of Halo: Never played, but like the story line from what I've read.
Favorite Halo: Again, never played

Favorite Video Games: Modern Warfare, FEAR, Resident Evil, MLB
Other Interests: Songwriting, Playing Guitar, Gaming, Costuming, FX, Spending time doing something & not thinking of work!!!!!!!
Favorite Food: Pick One!?!?!?
Favorite Band: Too many to have just One
Favorite Movie(s): Don't watch a lot of movies. All time though would be Terminator.
Other: Got involved with all this because my son wanted a HALO costume for Halloween this year. I've always loved costuming and stuff but the funny thing is, we don't own a XBox and have never played HALO before. (Weird) Anyway, since he came up to me with this task to take all my free time (LOL) I have found this site and loved the community feel of it and have found it very resourceful. Since I began working on his suit and doing research behind the HALO Franchise, I've come to like the story line and characters that I have researched. I think I'm sold on it and will be building myself a suit once I complete his, if there is enough time. Maybe even enough to save some money and get the Xbox so we can play it!!!!

Thanks so much for everyone's posts and all of the information that is available here.
I'm currently working on a Noble 6 style costume set for my 9 year old and have pep'd out the helmet, biceps and forearms. Lord please help him not to grow more than the inch and half I gave him for expansion!!!! LOL