Hooyah! Glad to be here! To introduce myself.
Name: Jeremy Matney
Age: 25 this year
I currently work doing welding in a local factory, wished i could find work in a restaurant tho (trained chef), and was in the USN for a while.
-discharged for back problems-
Favorite Hobby: Biggest hobby is model trains, outside that its legos or anything i can put together or take apart, or make art out of.
I dont have a favorite halo really, i just love the story. Multiplayer wise i enjoyed HALO PC more, but i love forge

Music wise I listen to a lot of metal, dubstep, or japaneese rock/pop. Also love to put on classical or Sinatra, who is in fact my favorite artist.
Foodwise I like just about everything. Current favorite has to be sushi tho.
Bookwise im really into the Warhammer and Halo novels. W40K Grey Knights Omnibus and Halo: The Cole Protocol are my favorite novels.
Moviewise its starwars, guardians of the galaxy, deadpool (not even out yet), Firefly, and a lot of anime.
Series wise i mostly watch anime. Gundam, Fate/Stay, etc.
What else.. what else..
Oh, Im married to an angel and have an amazing one year old son. And she has a lot of the same likes and such I do

(We actually want to get hardcore into making cosplay outfits/costumes and such!!)
See you guys topside!