I had an idea for people who make mistakes to post topics with pics and details of what went wrong there. They could all be gathered and put into a single subforum called armour mistakes or something like that and in there people could do replies saying how to help or just saying how funny it was without being asses about it!
Above is just copied and pasted from another post I did which caught the eye of another member (B&C) who suggested I make another topic about this. This would come under the creation discussion forum next to elite showcase, moulded armour, pepakura & cardboard armour etc
I think that it will help in showing noobs that at least once or twice somewhere down the line, something will go wrong!
I also said in the post I ripped the above from that I could be the first to add to it (I got the idea from this

when I tried scaling for the first time ever using paper and cellotape pepakura it failed, badly! My result could probably only just fit through my arm rather than my head! I told the other guys in that thread that I may, if enough others ask, post pics of this mistake and write what went wrong and what I learned from it! Other people could reply to that by saying things like there are stickies for that (which I stupidly ignored thinking "scale to height button should be right, not a stupid equation!" or by just saying nicely done apart from the crappiness!
I don't know how many people would add to this idea immediately but I would appreciate if enough people add details of their past mistakes and such with or without pics here and hopefully a mod or someone with the power can let us trial this idea!
Tell me what you think of the idea too, I think its gonna help lotsa people out!
Thanks and I will have pics up onto this topic of my big mistake soon once I get pictures (piece is at my nans house for luls) so be patient please because it might be a few days before I get it!
Thanks again