Wow! incredible craftsmanship! your work is deffinatly paying off

keep up the great work
Also were you able to get some marines vinyl at joan's fabrics? on my last visit I dont recal seeing any.

. Yes, all of my marine vinyl was purchased at Joann's. Usually it's on a big roll by the home decor fabric section. I have noticed that they don't always have it in stock...or sometimes they only have weird pink and baby green. Who needs pink and baby green marine vinyl?!? Anyway, I think you can probably ask them to order more if they don't have it.
I cant even express how awsome this build is. your attention to detail is baffiling. your ab plate looks awsome but can we see it with the undersuit underneath it? Im sure it will look amazing.
Thank you! I'll probably finish up the undersuit stomach area next, so I'll show the ab plate with it once that's wrapped up. It'll look cooler that way than with the weird "sharpie scribbles everywhere" current version
(phisssssst. Hay over here.) Con's get so busy that a photo is all that they will to remember you by, And wonderful memory's they will be.
It looks awesome.:cool
Hahaha, thanks dude.
Alrighty...let's get down to business... it's
Update Time
I finished up my cod belt today, hurray! I decided modding pep files confuses me more than just doing it from scratch, so I've been continuing with my freehand method. Usually I just sketch out a basic flat view of the piece, then cut it apart into the different foam layers.
This is what the cod front, back and side pouch started out as on paper. They're symmetrical pieces, so I only drew half and cut along the fold:
And what it became all together:
Sadly, my mannequin's rib cage/shoulders are just enough bigger than mine that my chest piece doesn't fit her

. No suit-up for me today, guy is out right now and he usually takes the photos (my camera's self-timer likes to have issues focusing). Oh well.
I also added a buckle on the side, so that I can get the belt on and off easily without having to worry about tears:
This time, I carved out a recessed area for the buckle so that it would sit more flush than the ones on the chest piece.
Check back next time and I should be able to show everything together...along with, perhaps, a real stomach area for the undersuit. At least, that's the plan...unless I decide to do the thighs