I'm totally speechless, guys. I was so shocked when I logged on today and saw all of your comments!!! You are all way too nice. I'm going to become spoiled rotten.
Seriously though... thank you all for checking out the build and taking the time to leave a few words. It is definitely much appreciated!!!
@ Cereal:
Hahaha. Your WTF literally made me lol. Thank you for the compliment
@Kill Kill Kill:
Thank you, and I'm glad you're finding the build helpful!
@ Kirra:
Thanks! I highly recommend the DIY undersuit. It's more fun that way
@ Surr3nder:
Thank you! Cortana or Kat would both be awesome. I've been using in game screen shots and google images for reference on Kat specific armor. I tried a chest size study using
this file, but it wasn't really what I was looking for so I decided to do it more from scratch.
Hyperballistik, and
Nick Nack Patty Whack all have foam builds that I've found to be both inspirational and helpful.
@ Katsu:
Thanks, dude! I'm also interested to see what happens with the robot arm

... As for the paint, I'll be trying to get as close to Kat's armor as I can. So if she's got battle damage, then battle damage there will be!
@ Breach:
Thanks! Sadly, I am faaaaaaaaar too small to be a real Spartan! The shoulder pad is sewn onto the arm seal, which is velcroed into the chest piece. I think it allows my shoulder to have more range of motion that way, but maybe I'm just imagining it.
Thank you. I'm sure you've got some neat stuff, too
Thanks. Your neck seal is pretty freakin' snazzy, too!
Thank you, thorn! And it's never too late to learn to sew!
But it's so much more fun to make your own armor!
Thank you Toja!

You can always learn to sew!
Thanks! You've got a neat build going yourself!
@Mustang and ACDC:
You guys are way too nice!!! Thank you

Thanks. It may be awhile before the costume is complete though...I still have a loooong way to go!
Haha. You're seeing the end result...so what you don't see are all the messed up scraps strewn across my floor! Lol
@Sangheilioz, Chiefy, Mstruvmagc, Puercuco:
Thank you, guys
We're in the middle of presentations at work, so unfortunately that means...not a lot of time at home. But I will do my best to have any update for you all soon!
'Til then... happy building to you all!