Thanks everyone for the support! It definitely helps to keep me workin'

I'm using a couple of different things (and may still mess around with some other options). Right now, the hip pads are NU-Foam (densified batting used for chair cushions) inserted into an enclosed pocket. No stitches actually go into the foam, so it's kind of like a pillow. The NU-foam is a little stiffer than I'd like, so I might try something else (depending on how it acts with the final fabric). The stomach, neck, and elbow detail just have regular quilting batting sewn into the body, like an extra layer of fabric. The shoulder is a knit fabric layered on top of itself like an applique, so no foam. Hope that answers your question! That's awesome that you're gonna make a suit too. I'll have to check out your thread and see how it goes!
I haven't made a lot of progress, but wanted to give an update since it's been a bit since my last post...
I've attached the right (mechanical) arm to the torso, so now I have a better idea of how much is really going to need to change. Sorry for the cruddy pictures

...the camera was on a funky setting and I didn't realize it until after I had already started seam ripping the model. Hopefully you can still kind of see what's going on. The red marks are where I've started noting some of the needed changes with a Sharpie. I like to mark the model while I'm wearing it, so I have a better idea of where things actually line up.
Unfortunately, as much as I was trying to avoid using a lot of stretchy fabric, it looks like my movement will be too limited if I don't

. My machine doesn't have a lot of versatility with super stretchy stuff, so it'll be a challenge. I'm working on making some tweaks to the arm/shoulder area, then testing out the adjusted pattern using the final fabric (for a more realistic fit). If I'm lucky and the pattern works out, then I can use the tweaked arms/shoulders for the final. We shall see...
Back to the newsprint for some pattern tweaks...then on to a new set of arms!