As always, thanks so much everyone for the comments, and for stopping by to take a look!
love the the way its going! i hope to be able to make an undersuit for my armor (i know, a 15 year old boy that can sew?! gasp!) but i have to get a little help on some of the details.
Thanks! And hey, sewing isn't just for grannies anymore
I know how to sew on a button thats it lol, but would not be able to make myself an undersuit this awesome

You could always learn!
It's so nice to see another seamstress on here. You shall be an awesome spartan chick with an awesome under suit. <3

You are going to be rockin' an awesome armor/suit combo yourself! I'm hoping to learn from watching your aaaaamaaaaazing foam skills.
Awesome! Great work so far!
Wow, great work. You have me re-thinking what I am using for suit. I have never been happy with the neck and shoulder area. So what you have done and are doing looks awesome. Thanks for sharing and keep up the fantastic work.

Thanks for checkin' out the build! I thoroughly support the DIY undersuit idea!
Update time:
So, I have some good news...and I have some bad news...
The good news is: all of my pattern pieces for the pelvis area section of the pants fit together nicely. Yay! The bad news is: while the pattern pieces fit
each other quite well, they don't exactly fit
me how I'd like...and I seem to have made a poor choice of how much
unbreathable material I could get away with. I was sweatin' after having these suckers on for, like, 5 min. Totally not cool. Boo
Looks like these will be a re-do. Bummer, but oh well...I can learn from it, so it's not a total loss. On the up side, I'm just stoked that this section fit me at all. I was half expecting that I wouldn't even be able to get them on!
I'm thinking that I'll hold off on finalizing the pants until I get the armor pieces for the thighs/cod together. That way, I can optimize compatibility
I know, I know...I'm jumping around all over the place...but in my little brain, it makes sense.
Up Next: !?!?!?