Thanks for the comments everyone!
Hahaha, thanks. I
wish I had gotten Friday off! Sadly, I had to work. For the 5 months between New Year's and Memorial Day, I get a total of zero holidays. Boo

. It's ok though... that's what weekends are for.
Thanks and no problem! Glad you're liking the build
Thank you! But I can't take credit for the parachute clip thing. I learned that trick from Annanymous's awesome
Mark VI "Sister" Build. It is definitely handy to have! One thing I'm noticing about it though: if you are not very flexible, I would not recommend putting your clips as far back as I put them (otherwise you will not be able to get the chest on by yourself). I am able to get my piece on/off without assistance, but it
is tricky even though my arms are pretty flexible.
@ Nogood:
Hahaha....super freaky coincidence!!! Check your pm's, I sent you some size info. As for making small armor, I'm not having a problem with it...but then again, proportionately it doesn't seem small to me

! I definitely learned a lot about foam from watching your build. You have a ton of awesome pointers on there!
Ok guys, as promised it's...
I made some progress on the chest piece seals, but not quite as much as I had hoped. Vinyl likes to be a pain

. I finished the neck seal and the right (mechanical) arm seal, but I still need to do the left arm. The left arm seal will pretty much be the right arm seal, plus an extra underlayer shoulder pad type of thing.
I decided to go with the marine vinyl on the seals, instead of foam. It took a bit longer than foam would have, but I thought the vinyl would give a nice texture change, as well as add a little more flexibility and range of motion. The seals are mounted with velcro tabs so that I can adjust positioning as needed, or remove the seals when it's time to paint the chest piece. The arm seal also splits in the same location as the armor, so it still opens for easier assembly.
Here's what I've got so far:
And what it looks like with the undersuit neck seals:
When I'm wearing it, the textured layer of the undersuit neck seal doesn't actually sit that high. My mannequin's neck is just way larger than mine, so I can't pull the bottom seal layer all the way down where it should be.
Next up: I'll probably wrap up the left arm seal, then move on to the cod. I think I want to get the cod position in place before I tackle the ab plate and spine so that I'll have another point of reference.
Enjoy the week everyone!

And, as always, your thoughts/input are welcome!