Aaack, sorry guys for being so MIA lately! Regular ol' life responsibilities keep pulling me away from the build...but I do really appreciate all your continued support!!!
OH MY GOD!!! Your build is outstanding, I'm really digging how the white looks. Kind of like arctic camo. With your skills i can't wait to see what you do with the robot arm. I've been following the build and i can't wait to see the finished armor. Are you going to build the helm out of foam or are you going to pep that part?
Hahaha, thank you. I'm planning on doing the helmet out of foam.
Really glad I started checking these forums out again. It's work like this that gets me pumped to start working on my armor again. Keep it up!
Thanks. Glad to offer some motivation!
That looks sooo fricken awesome!! Love it in just the white!
Thanks! Soon though, the white will have to go...
I wish to see some more of that awesomeness please T.T
Lol. I will try to keep it coming!
You never disappoint!!!!! Awesome work! I must learn your ways!!!!!!! LOL
Keep up the good work. I really want to see what you will do with the robotic arm piece.

Keep scrolling...
Ermehgerd! How come it has taken me this long to find this thread? LilTyrant, truly amazing work!!! You have obviously inspired many of the 405th, myself included! Keep it UP!!!
Thank you. It always makes me smile to offer some inspiration!
LilTyrant when are you going to do a video showcasing your mad skills? I think that would be an awesome YouTube series for you to do. You could make one more complete set of armor, I'm pretty sure someone said you were talking about making your friend a set you could do it for that one. I'm pretty sure you would have quite a few of the 405th members subscribing to your YouTube channel and waiting anxiously for each and every new video to post. Again Amazing work and can't wait to see the finished product.
Thank you!! Hopefully I can get to a video soonish, but time just doesn't like to be my friend

. I am planning on doing another set of armor, but I probably wouldn't be able to do a full video series that follows the build. My work/life schedule barely lets me keep up with posting basic updates, so I don't think I could find time to shoot/edit videos on a regular basis. I gotta sleep some time!
Lil, may I ask what you're using to cut the craft foam?
It's just that I've tried simple scissors and to my surprise they worked far better than the X-acto knife... Which is funny because it's the complete opposite of what I get with the 10mm EVA foam I guess it can also be used to make angled cuts, right?
I've been using an X-acto for everthing: 2mm, 6mm, 10mm, straight cuts, and angled cuts.
Oh Snap!!! I go away for a little bit, then you come with one of you're greatest "Works of Art" yet.
I'm loving the Shins and lets not forget those Pumped up Kicks. :cool
You are in a class of you're own now.
"Epic Work of Art" almost fails to describes this build.
They should already be clearing a space for you in the Elite section.
Yay! Thorn is back! And being way too nice as usual

. Thank you!!!
I look like I'm crying. Dammit Sinus. Anyways, I should be crying, this is too much for me to handle. If I had a million hands, this will have a million thumbs up! SO AWESOME!
Haha, thank you. Glad you like it !
OK...I just have to ask. With this perfect looking build, What are you going to do for paint? Brand new out of the box or battle damage? Color scheme? Shading and texture? Sorry probably to many questions but ha...I'm all about the paint.
I'd love to see this all airbrushed.
Till you're next post were here waiting:cool
You again? Hehehe

. I'm definitely planning on battle damage. I'll probably try to get as close to the in-game as I can with the color, shading, and texture. And I will be bustin' out my airbrush for this, don't you worry

. And thank you for your patience on these updates...
ohmanohmanohman lilty i went away for 3 weeks and came back and was like SO excited to check this for an update, and wow, I was like falling out of my seat looking at the finished shoes and custom shins and all of it worn together. Soooooo pumped for the next update, you don't even understand!
Awww, thank you Anna!

----- may be long overdue, but it's
UPDATE TIME!!! Hooray!
I was hoping to have this more wrapped up before I posted it, but I didn't want to keep you guys please excuse the loose ends that need tying.
It still needs some additions and adjustments, but...finally some progress on that robotic arm! Here's what it looks like off:
And on:
Aaaand a few additional disclaimers

- Since, unlike Kat, I do actually have a real arm I know it will never look 100% convincing...which I'll just have to live with. All I can hope for is that it's at least somewhat believable .
- The forearm is super not done yet and will be getting some robotic elements in that open area.
- The shoulder is just taped on for the moment, so it may be acting a bit funky.
- Sorry it's not shown with the chest. I discovered that the addition of the arm means I can no longer suit up by myself...aaand there's no one here to help me right now (which is also why the photos may be a bit fuzzier than usual)
Well, that's about it for hopefully I can give you guys a more complete look next update!
Until then, keep buildin' guys and thanks for checkin' out the build