Kensai's Halo Reach - Jorge-052 Build

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Well-Known Member
Hello my dear friends, I know what you're thinking a Reach armor build already? Yep, some special news came down the chain of command and in turn I'm building myself a new set of armor for something special in the future. Herein will be my journey of my fifth set of armor (yeah really, I've already built 3 Mark VI and a Medic). I've already got a bunch of reference photos from the waist up and I have a contact who's going to provide me with some shots of the legs.


Obligatory picture. Now onto actual crafting - I'm a scratch builder at heart so I won't be waiting around on those pep files. Full speed ahead.

Update #1:


Cardboard soaked in a white glue/water combination adhered to a previous Mark VI chest. No need for scaling building off a chest that already fits fine.



It's still ugly woot! However if you notice there's only the 2 small strips of tape holding to the chest (where it will connect to the backpack which doesn't exist at the moment). It's finally dried out and been cooked into a chest-like shape. Next I'll be trimming the edges up and putting in support struts so I can remove it from the chest plate entirely. Then comes the ACTUAL building of the new armor on this base aka results. On the plus side this ugly thing is scaled perfectly to my body already.

see I've got the front part of the neck hole cut as close as I can tell from the trailer (I can always go back and add or subtract at a later phase). I've got the base foundation for the bomb collar in, I still need the cut and round the back of the neck hole though. I forsee me hacking off a good portion of the chest as there is little to no armor beyond the canister. On the plus side I also discovered a pretty decent placeholder for the canister - 2 100 count CD spindel tops glued together. I'll investigate into it further and see if it looks right proportionally.

Update #3


I measured out the tops of 2 100 CD count canisters and the dimensions are PERFECT for my scale of the armor. I glued those up (the seam still needs to be sanded off) and finished rounding out the back of the neck. I also made the first clasp that attaches to the canister. I just need to round out the backside of the clasp so it sits snug against the canister. NOW I'm getting into the actual building of Jorge's suit now that I have my base to build off of.


Underdogg13 said:
Probably the biggest scratch build yet. Good luck with this. I beliieve his name is Jorge, by the way.

Interesting - I'll have to ask Bungie about that, thanks. Biggest ever though, not quite. Monstermaker13 on here has built some pretty crazy scratch build armors including (well, a majority) a Hunter.

Anyhow, regarding the project. As those of you who have followed me before know I work hard, I work fast and I go above and beyond what the project requires. No expense will be spared here. I'm already in the actual "building" phase as I've got all my research done that can be physically done at this point. I've got all my measurements for the belt assembly - building the base for the fiberglass/Bondo to adhere to now.


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Just realized it is very Mark 4/6 looking helmet. (Like I said to you Kensai while surviving in firefight today)
Sounds very secret Kensaii, I think I see whats up haha. I cannot wait to see some progress on this guy (I also saw his name spelled Jorge) he is very cool looking.
lol Adam - the real reason I picked him (besides his genuinely cool armor) is for a very similar reason. He comes with tons of storage space. Camelback in the giant backpack he has and I'm turning the canister up front into a secret stash for the wallet/cellphone etc. Should come in handy should I be out and about at conventions. That's always been the downfall of the chief.. no pockets. Right up front though that could be pretty handy.

Progress pics to come. I've got the back part of the belt/packs base done. Going to get some rest - download the high def trailer and keep on working tomorrow.



Edit: Just saw your post Ben - I'll let you know when I get them in. Provided I can show them here. We'll see what terms come along with the photos I asked for.
kensai111 said:
Edit: Just saw your post Ben - I'll let you know when I get them in. Provided I can show them here. We'll see what terms come along with the photos I asked for.

kool sir, if nothing else I have email. I am going to try my hand at the EVA wielding the knife. I know it's probably Kelly but that's some damn fine armor. I figure it's all a hi detail mark V suit with add ons. So the base armor should be the same.
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Lol Adam, your post was priceless ;)

Hey Kensai, I will be looking forward to your scratch build Reach armor :D

I wish you the best of luck!
It's just been confirmed by Bungie it's "Jorge". Post updated to reflect the change. NOW off to bed. Also.. I've been thinking I can sacrifice the extra Mark VI I have to the greater good of this project.. would make for a fine base for some parts of his suit. *ponders*


I saw a picture of the legs of Jorge.

it's a small picture BUT I think it's better then nothing.

go to Bungie's youtube channel. they have a picture of the team as their backround.
Kensai I will definatly be watching this topic for sure and if pep files ever come out for something like this I can tell it will probably be harder than scratch building it but I know you'll do a good job the way you're going anyway and I look foward to the end result.
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