Kensai's Halo Reach - Jorge-052 Build

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Slow going today as it's update day for the Source, plus I had the g/f over today.

Update #3


I measured out the tops of 2 100 CD count canisters and the dimensions are PERFECT for my scale of the armor. I glued those up (the seam still needs to be sanded off) and finished rounding out the back of the neck. I also made the first clasp that attaches to the canister. I just need to round out the backside of the clasp so it sits snug against the canister. NOW I'm getting into the actual building of Jorge's suit now that I have my base to build off of.


Alex spartan177 said:
Looks really good kensai, keep up the good work

Thank you, it'll be a long journey but hopefully I won't disappoint with the final product.


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Seeing this you can actually carry stuff in the stomach thingy or as Adam would say The baby carrier. This should turn out really well.
Looks good to me thus far. I need to start on one of these for myself. I've always been the big guy and I wouldn't mind continuing that tradition.
kensai111 said:
Thank you, it'll be a long journey but hopefully I won't disappoint with the final product.



You won't dissapoint us, you already made 3 MARK VI Suits. It would take time to make the Reach Armor but you will do it. :)
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not to be a pain, but your wrong. gorge has the same armor as the rest only he has some really heavy attachments. maybe the legs are different but the chest and back are the same "base" armor
Jorge has lots of many subtle differences. His helm is unique, it looks a lot more like a MKVI predecessor, his shins are different and the chest has some very large differences. It is not like a Halo 3 variant where it is just an attachement that goes over your MJONLIR, this is some heavy duty stuff. And check out his right shoulder, never seen a perm like that. A good side by side comparison can be found here:


As far as close ups on the shoulders and neck brace for the left side, check out pics 582-631 and 649-670 and 670-690 allow for some side by side comparison as well. Hope that helps.
look closely, it looks like the "baby carrier" is bolted on the chest and stomach plates which are a bigger size of the new mark V. all the helmets are unique and all the armors have a perm to them, but in stead on it thrown on there like in H3, there are combined to the armor and i already said the shins look like a heavy version of the normals
Jorge also has 2 different shoulders - one a modified CQB and the other is a modified Mark IV, tons of differences. Anyhow, as those of you who are Twitter followers already know I had a small electrical fire in the house. Nothing was damaged but it forced us to leave the house for the night. Needless to say I didn't get any more work done on it and I'm ready for bed now as I didn't get much sleep. I'll do some more work tomorrow - nighty night.


What kind of guns is that Demolitions guy with the skull helmet holding? It looks like a shotgun-grenade launcher. Wouldn't that be sweet!

Very nice Very nice.. I shall continue to watch this thread like a hawk...

I wish you the best of luck....

*Sigh* once i figure out what is going on with my resin and get my money in order i'll be having a crack at the EVA style one, the helmet just looks so dam sexy... and so many grenades strapped to his body.... LOL..

Anywho, Dave be signing out and going to sleep.. :D
Heeeyyyyy Kensaaiiiii!!!

Any updates on this smexy build of yours?? :pI cant wait to see what you are brewing up next!!!! =D

by the looks of it the big arse back pack on his back would probably hold ammo for the mad as minigun his carrying... Just my 2 cents..

Are you thinking about making the minigun?

Cheers, Dave.
Sorry for the lack of updates - today I had to finish a Mark VI helmet for Child's Play charity with the help of and forums. The helmet will be up for auction with all benefits going to Children's Hospital. Furthermore I have an interview on Zoxin It Up LIVE this December 21st at 1:15pm EST. He's holding a 24hr Gameathon where all donations are going to the Make A Wish foundation. I'm all in the giving spirit - armor progress shall resume shortly. As for the minigun, maybe not right away but soon enough.. it'll probably be the last part of the suit I tackle.


kensai111 said:
Thanks, I'm looking at a full cardboard "finished" chest by midweek or so. Finished of course meaning sans resin/fiberglass/ and Bondo.My master plan is to build it all out in cardboard/cardstock and have the fiberglass already temp. glued in place all over the armor. That way way by the time I finish building the whole suit it'll be early spring and I can just slap a coat of resin on the outside (therfore fiberglassing it) and slush cast Rondo on the inside. Then it's just Bondo and detailing before throwing a wicked paintjob on for the spring. Then I'll be dedicating my time/materials to some forum friends and help them get their Reach suits finished.



very nice armor man, that is going to look so pimp when it is done, but i have a question for your armor piece and your friends armor pieces.

1)do you think it will be heavy having all the attachments, the bulky armor plates, plus and addons in the armor?

2)What kind of reach armor are you friends working on? Because i am also working on the Halo Reach lieutenants armor(i know im going to get scolded for this), but maybe you can send me some pics on how it is going to i can get an idea about what i am missing....plz.
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