Legendary Armor – Mark VI Master Chief Helmet Progress

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oh my...How do you remember that? I had to think for a while great googly mooglies....OH YAH!!!
That helmet is the definition of perfect
Actually, I am very happy with the vent covers. They came out quite well and barely shrank at all from casting. The fit is perfect. I can't wait to have some time to clean this sucker up and sand the seam.
So, we've done some test pulls in an attempt to get a perfect casting but as it turns out, it's a bit more difficult than anticipated. Sometimes the pull will be thicker in certain areas than others etc. This is due to rotation, speed and heat. Finding the perfect combination may take some time. Ugh.

If you need someone to take one off your hands, you know where to find me ;)

you guys have been very busy!, im really interested how the patting will look :rolleyes
BishopX said:
So, we've done some test pulls in an attempt to get a perfect casting but as it turns out, it's a bit more difficult than anticipated. Sometimes the pull will be thicker in certain areas than others etc. This is due to rotation, speed and heat. Finding the perfect combination may take some time. Ugh.


GUH! How the...? Who in...? Whaaaaat?!
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Heck I'd be more then willing to liberate you guys from one of your bad pulls, but I can't right now. Saving up money for a house sucks in a way, but then again it doesn't.


Wait, doesn't an internet connection just cost money? *pulls plug*
May not be perfect,but those pulls sure still look really nice,If you do plan on getting rid of them.Could you shoot me a Pm please? If its okay with you.
Whoa, looks like you're trying to create an army of spartans... this isn't about armor, it's about WORLD DOMINATION! Ha, admit it!
BishopX said:
Actually, they are not "bad" pulls. We are just trying to perfect the process. We're a little anal.
I see nothing wrong with being that way, everyone gets that way on one thing or another.
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Well, now... I haven't been following this thread as much as I would've liked lately, but damn, those helmet's are looking uber-awesome, Bishop! I have to say, those are the best-looking "bad" pulls I've ever seen, lol. Believe me, I understand being anal about getting it "just right", heh. Fantastic work, fellas! (y)
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