MstruvmgcThanks! Glad to see you're still around too!
Thanks for the added link! I think I’m all set with reference for now, those original images you posted are super helpful!
Thank you! Your undersuit came out nice, you can totally rock the titan*faints* Your posts always inspire me to up my sewing game. My undersuit definitely needs to be remade, and your undersuit is really making me eager to take another stab at it!
I was about to start a Destiny Titan, too! I had hoped to have time to make her before RTX, but the undersuit is definitely intimidating me, so I'm not sure if I'll make it in time. -_-;
I will be watching this thread closely!
Thanks dude! There's a "mention" button in the "more reply options" but it's not working for me anymoreBy the way, how did you do that whole thing with mentioning me in a post. i must have missed the tutorial on that lol.
OMG the undersuit is looking great
You give me so many ideas.
Keep up the great work!
... I still haven't finished my first armor and you're on a second. Dang you work fast! Great work LilTyrant.
oooo very snazzy indeed
Its good to have range of motion. Is it comfortable to wear??