LilTyrant's HALO 4 ARMOR + Undersuit - **WIP**

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The Undersuit Queen is back! You were working on your Kat build when I first joined here, and after an absence, I'm back and see you'you're working on a Halo 4 suit now. Top notch work as always. I'll be checking back in when the time comes for me do to my undersuit. Keep it up!
You are one of my all-time favourite builders mate. I've shown so many people at home and work, your Kat build to illustrate what real cosplay is all about.

This suit is going to be SO EPIC, because not only your obvious skills, but what you learned from the last build and how you will improve 200-fold on this one!

I look forward to seeing your progress and end result!

OOooooooh. Coming back to the 405th after a hiatus to a new LT build is the best ever. Your Kat is the reason I wanted to build a suit of my own in the first place. I just hope it ends up being somewhere near as good as your stuff!

I'm so hype! I can't wait to see more of this.... :D
You attention to detail is superb. Every time I see your work I want to shut my business down and just focus on building a suit lol
Hello Again, Friends!!!

As always, thank you all so much for all of your awesome words of encouragement!!!:$:$:$

So sorry for being absent for so long!! I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, things have just been crazy! Lots of life stuff going on (all good, but keeping me busy) and working on other hobbies has kept me away...but getting my SDCC tickets last week reminded me that I need to kick my butt into gear on this thing. Plus, it's been almost a year since I started this thread...which makes me sad that I've had to be on hold on this for so long. Not sure if I'll be able to finish by July or not, but I may as well give it a try :)!!! I've set some schedule goals for myself, so we'll see what happens. I may go crazy :sick

I have to run off in a minute, so I'll keep this post short:

Progress has been made on the chest (no matter how small, heh)!


Still have a few bits before the front section is done, but slowly getting there. The 4 armor is definitely more detailed than Reach, so I'm finding myself going at a snail's pace...but I'm trying to keep plugging away!


Until next time, keep building guys and I'll be back with an update soon :D

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Truly amazing work as always - I had to look twice, your foam torso looks almost like an un-textured CGI render. I'm definitely going to have to learn how to work with foam.
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