Thanks so much everyone for the awesome words of encouragement!!!
Work has been crazy hectic and I've been fighting an evil cold, so progress has been slower than I'd like

but I did get some time to start a
little on the back side of the chest:
I started by roughing out the back view with a sketch, then blocking out the central piece of the back in foam. This project is
king of eating up lots of time without showing much progress....buuuut it'll get there itty bitty step at a time. So many weird shapes that make my brain melt :eek
Those top two separate pieces go between the front and back above the shoulders, but after I spent a stupid amount of time making them...I realized I should have waited until I made the back piece to start them. They might not be usable, but we'll see :facepalm
Next Up: Gonna slowly keep chipping away at that back torso...
Keep building guys! :cool