LilTyrant's HALO 4 ARMOR + Undersuit - **WIP**

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Truly exemplary work, well done.
I'm curious what the white layer over it is though, I've seen other people use it and I never really asked because I didn't work much with foam until now. Is that just thin foam in a different colour or is it some other material?
Truly exemplary work, well done.
I'm curious what the white layer over it is though, I've seen other people use it and I never really asked because I didn't work much with foam until now. Is that just thin foam in a different colour or is it some other material?

Welcome back LT. Fantastic to hear back from you, and FANTASTIC work on the build.

The white is foam as well. Craft foam to be precise. Much thinner that standard EVA foam mats or squares. Mostly found in art supply and craft stores. It makes great accent and detail pieces. Much easier to cut and handle for those complex designs.
There isnt much i can say that others have not. So ill just say its good to see you back. And im glad that life is going good for you. :)
Hey there LilTyrant, gotta say, your first build blew me away, and this one is looking like it will raise the bar even higher. I've been a long-time lurker (not stalker tho...LOL) on the 405th and only had 1 build thread, which I had to abandon due to health issues, but I'm getting back into it. New materials, new ideas, and I have to thank you for the inspiration to head back in and sharpen up my knives. Foam this time, no more pep and bondo for me. Looking forward to seeing the awsome-ness that will ensue on this thread.
Thanks so much everyone for the awesome words of encouragement!!! :D :D :D

Work has been crazy hectic and I've been fighting an evil cold, so progress has been slower than I'd like :( but I did get some time to start a little on the back side of the chest:


I started by roughing out the back view with a sketch, then blocking out the central piece of the back in foam. This project is king of eating up lots of time without showing much progress....buuuut it'll get there itty bitty step at a time. So many weird shapes that make my brain melt :eek

Those top two separate pieces go between the front and back above the shoulders, but after I spent a stupid amount of time making them...I realized I should have waited until I made the back piece to start them. They might not be usable, but we'll see :facepalm

Next Up: Gonna slowly keep chipping away at that back torso...

Keep building guys! :cool


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Thanks so much everyone for the awesome words of encouragement!!! :D :D :D

Work has been crazy hectic and I've been fighting an evil cold, so progress has been slower than I'd like :( but I did get some time to start a little on the back side of the chest:

I started by roughing out the back view with a sketch, then blocking out the central piece of the back in foam. This project is king of eating up lots of time without showing much progress....buuuut it'll get there itty bitty step at a time. So many weird shapes that make my brain melt :eek

Those top two separate pieces go between the front and back above the shoulders, but after I spent a stupid amount of time making them...I realized I should have waited until I made the back piece to start them. They might not be usable, but we'll see :facepalm

Next Up: Gonna slowly keep chipping away at that back torso...

Keep building guys! :cool

YAY!!!! IT LIVES!!!! Sorry bout the cold, I know that sucks. Hope you get better soon!!!! Gah, seeing you back in action reminds me that I seriously need to get STARTED on my armor.....
Sweet! your work i so clean, looks amazing!
Hey LilTyrant,
your work is truly astonishing. I have yet to pick up and continue my MC build from last year, but i was wondering how you get those completely clean pieces. Do you fit everything with a second layer of craftfoam? How do you stick it to the surface. Surely not with hotglue. I tried that with a few parts of my build and it turned out horribly disfigured. Like my armor got goosebumps :lol
I'm so looking forward to witnessing the progress on your build!
I've seen quiet a few foam builds, and I haven't liked the vast majority of them (Nothing against the crafters, just don't like the way they look for the most part.) But this is by far the best foam work I've seen. It's outstanding!!!! Seriously good work! I cant even fathom the time and effort put into that level of detail. Keep up the amazing work!!
Its crazy how you make all this from scratch, even the templates you make look amazing! Keep up the amazing work. This will be another amazing armor when its finished
I'm so damn excited, looking on this pics... I'm still in the early planning phase, looking for ideas, tipps and supplies... And I can just hope, that I'll be able to work on the same level of quality than all the others here on the forum and especially you are on. Crossing my fingers for you and your new project - and for myself... o_O
This may be a bit late now but I was wondering about your stitching method for the undersuit, do you sew right side to right side, sew it and then iron it flat and stitch it again to flatten the seam or do you iron it first and sew it all together the way you want it to look.. i hope that makes sense.
Your pieces are such irregular shapes that I cant help but wonder if you sew them differently.

also, the mesh you used, is it that airy stuff that gets used on backpacks, it looks sort of fluffy.

I've been thinking and drawing up my own undersuit lately but yours is amazing! I can't believe you aren't a professional tailor or something.
Thanks so much everyone for the awesome words of encouragement!!! :D :D :D

Work has been crazy hectic and I've been fighting an evil cold, so progress has been slower than I'd like :( but I did get some time to start a little on the back side of the chest:

Geeez... It's so beautiful... I really thought it was a render of the ingame armor.

Take your time! No need to rush!
Being able to see a Lil Tyrant build as its in progress is amazing. Like so many others your kat build has been an inspiration for my own armor, and seeing your create the undersuits from scratch makes the task seem slightly less daunting.
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