list all Cool things you have done in halo 3 beta

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my best video game moment ever was in the halo 3 beta.

i was playing btb on valhalla and the other team had both warthogs and were driving around killing everyone. i noticed they kept driving under those rocks to the upper left from the base w/ the wall behind it (not the beach). so i grabbed a trip mine, headed over there, and hoped maybe i would drop it on one of the warthogs. next time one went under there, i got lucky, landed the trip mine right on top of them, and jumped out of the way. as soon as the warthog went around the corner, it slammed into the other warthog, also occupied by the opposing team. as if on que, the second after the two warthogs collided, they both exploded, killing both drivers and gunners and destroying both warthogs.

best killtacular ever achieved.

i hope theres some way to view the videos you saved from the beta, because i still have this one saved on my hard drive and id really like to show it to people.
yeah i realized that after viewing the halo3 achievements list, it said

overkill: kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds of eachother

so my b
My best game in the Beta was a 4v4 Team Slayer game on Valhalla.

I just watched the video I recorded of it. It may have been the best I've ever played online, for realsies.

I had 21 kills and 1 death.

The 21 kills were in a row, with no dying... the one time I was killed was about 10 seconds into the game when my Warthog driver stopped right in front of the other team... and their warthog. He bailed... I died.

After that it was just a straight Killing Spree. I had like 4 or 5 double kills, 3 or 4 Triple Kills... Running Riot, Rampage...

And in the last 4 seconds 3 guys from the other team jumped into the mancannon at the same time.. I stuck the middle one in the air... which killed him right when they landed and took the shields off of the other two... then just a couple shots with the BR and I had another triple kill in the last second of the game.

I was playing with Link and my friend Gomi , and they were all like "What happened? How'd you do that? "

I can't play like that ordinarily... I was just as surprised. :shock:
I was a Captain, Lvl 20.

Best thing I evur done was in VIP. We had the Waterfall base, and our VIP was in the little rock aclove thingy. I camped the Rocks in the river, and I pwned so hard. We had at least 10 people come through there ( not at one time of course) and they all had overcharged PP, BR's , Spartan Lasers, Chainguns...and I destroyed them. All by myself. After that me and a friend camped below our VIP w/ sniper rifles and we went on sniper sprees...I didn't die the whole match and I got 26 kills.

A funny side story. We were in CTF and the other team stole our flag. the guy jumps off the base (near the waterfall) with the flag and lands in his warthog(fully loaded) and they gun it around the base. I have a trip mine so i thought I'll try to put it in their path. I throw it off the base, and instead of hitting the ground, it hits their warthog and sticks. Five secs later I see a Triple kill, flag stop medals pop up. It was so awsome.

I have so many other cool storys, but too many to tell.
i was scratching my private. hit the trigger and somehow i got overkill with shooty when i looked at screen i was 10 rp points away from general.
Are you sure it was General?

General is the one with the olive branch and two stars. You know, the hightest rank in the game...

I belive you about the overkill...but general... :roll:

Unless it was a typo
Endless_summer is right my name Is Leadingspartan you know. btw yes i did mean general i almost had it but my xbox broke 1 week before it ended. :evil:
Ooo I loved shotty snipers...

I played so much Unranked BTB and 2v2 that I never really got that high up in Lvls...20 is pretty high though :lindsey:

I pwned everyone in BTB. It was so fun to race for the power weapons and equipment and stuff.
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