list all Cool things you have done in halo 3 beta

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i loved the support weapons, at the start of team slayer on valhalla every1 would rush to get sniper, while i got the AR BR and missile pod. it was great even the turret
TheBlue said:
Eye toetalli pwned n terrytorys!

I yous smgz two kil teh other tem.


Just kidding.


I don't know how to spell and need to go back to school... ;-)

Just kidding mate.


My beta story is.....just the same as everyone elses except for one of them

I'm playing high ground. I grab the battle rifle and I'm 5-0 vs my friend.

I'm shooting him as he's coming towards me....and then he shoots me. I fall off the ledge I'm standing on, accidentally, I manage to shoot my friend (he had lost all his shielding) and then that last shot of the three burst kills him. Ending the round and winning it for me, and it was a total fluke shot. He's screaming into the mic, I'm laughing my ass off.

I have to say...that was probably the coolest fluke I've ever pulled off. :mrgreen:
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oh and i also got a triple kill on accident dude i was trying to betray my whole team for fun i turn around throwing gernades and then TRIPLE Kill lol. oh and also

you know how you accidentally betray people with trip mine.well,

Throw a trip mine into where the flag spawns (CTF) then i press d pad and yell "NO One go Near The Flag I PUT A TRIPMINE" 5 seconds later.

Betrayal,Betrayal, Betrayal Boot. lol
in a custom game, putting the life on invincible, sticking a tripmne on a mongoose and flying through the air from the explosion. haha. or sticking a trip mine to a vehicle and trying to get to the other side of the map without blowing up. it was fun.
i had the missile pod, and i man cannoned across Valhalla, and as i was in the air, shot a random missile at the opposite base. i was promptly sniped out of the air after that. about 30 secs later, my missile hit someone dead on!
one time on halo 3 beta, i was playing high ground and started at the beach. i got to the gate and went up the right rubble wall, and met a guy on the bridge over the gate. i sticky grenaded him, and the explosion launched him straight up, wherein his head went through the roof of the bridge and he stuck there, body dangling all limp. after that we all took turns punching his dead body. it was like that scene from Rocky where hes punching sides of beef in the packing plant. the body just kept flopping around, but his head would not unstick.
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