Right now I'm working on foaming in the toe caps to the boots. Its going to be a permanent attachement. Sooo I have to make sure that the toe cap is going to be exactly where I want it. That's the part I'm trying to figure out right now.
I used that exact process for my first set of boots and toe caps. Lots of nylon straps, and make sure the toe cap can't shift in ANY direction!! Expanding foam is merciless and unpredictable, if it can find a way to screw you up it will

OH!!! You're also going to want to make sure to
fill in your boots before applying the foam, or else the foam could expand downward and crush the boot to the point where you can't get your foot in!! I was just barely able to get into mine, and they were uncomfortable...
As for being permanent, it might not be quite as permanent as you think... Funny story, actually! It was a Halloween party, and I had to work in the morning, so we decided to stay the night in a hotel that was right next to my work... The hotel charges extra for parking, and my wife is super cheap, so we take two cars, one parked in a free parking space about a mile from the hotel, and the other we drove to the party. I brought a change of shoes, just in case, but I managed to bear the boots the whole night. We stay longer than we intend, and get a cab back to the hotel at about 3AM. I have to be to work at 7:00, but before I could get to sleep for 3.5 hours, I
have to get out of the boots! They were hard to get out of as they were to get into!! Finally manage to get to bed and it seems like the alarm goes off almost immediately. So I'm scrambling around trying to find my clothes, and I realized I had left my backup shoes in the car, at the party! It was either spend 15 minutes trying to get back into the boots or go to work without shoes... in the rain. So after work I get back to the hotel in my wet socks, and my wife asks me to walk up to get the car (I'm a very fast walker). Fed up with walking around without shoes, I decide to put the boots back on. Takes about ten minutes, but I manage to get out the door... about three blocks out, one of the toe caps flies off, into traffic. I manage to get it without getting run over, and two blocks later the other one starts coming off, and I end up half-stumbling, half-limping the rest of the way. It's a manual transmission, so I ripped off the straggler, drove back to the hotel, and made her drive us home.