LongShot-X's Mark VI HD MJOLNIR Armor - WIP

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Finishing the painting of Both Boots
Well Almost finished. Still need to Gel coat them.

I'm not quite satisfied with the heals...
I still want to do more detailing on them.
I want some of the darker area's to be more dark!
Hmmm might try the "Hammered Black" for it.

Ugh! The learning. The testing. The mistakes.
The waiting for the paint to dry!

Continue to Bondo and Sand both Thighs
Most of it is Sanding.
I could watch the paint dry. LOL
No seriously... Sanding, Sanding, and more Sanding.

and more Sanding....

When will it ever end!!!!

Off to dinner and then back to more sanding! :p

(More pics later on tonight)


¬¬ you got a this tool for sanding i have to sand whit manual sand grip T_T

and Those boots is looking amazing :D
I have to say that hammered black on the toe caps looks phenomenal. Scratch that, this entire project looks phenomenal! Speaking of the toe caps, good idea using craft sticks for those little interior flangey things. Thanks also for the frequent progress posts. Keep it up! Looking forward to more!

The "Hammered Black" works excelently. It has a gloss but also has the added benefit of hiding any inmperfections. I'm planing on using it on a few more areas on the boot covers.

Thanks! Your progress is looking good too!
this is an awesome build here, im jealous you get all day to work on this! i get one day a week on mine..
but seriously im loving the colour choice and the hammered works well :D

LOL... well I do have to sleep and eat and .... (lets not go there!)
Let's face it this is a real time consuming project.
I just wish I had MORE time before the reslease of Reach

I see that you have a few projects going too. Looking very good!

Progress Update

Bondo and Sanding both Thigh pieces - %50 done
Need to fill in a few more holes.
Do a few finishing touches on the detailing (see pic below)
Then I can start to "Finish Sand" for the primer.

Better pics of the Boots and Shins

With the camera flash


With out the camera Flash


I still have more painting details to do - but not today :(
Now off to work to make some $$$'s

WHAT THE F MAN! i leave for like 3 days and all this!! honestly this thread could only get better if the chief himself came and commented on how much better your suit looks compared to his lol! but seriously your amazing man. Ok so your not spray painting but using an airbrush? hmm does it have to be a good one? could a beginner like me spray a suit and it look ok?
Spray painting, Black washing, Dry Brushing, and paint brushing... that's all I'm using/doing. No airbrushing.

*Desperately attempts not to drool on your project; drools on keyboard instead.* Congrats on the awesomness. Lookin' way sweet, longshot. Can I have it when you're done? lol. Seriously, though, the frequent updates and the pictures of the suit keep me rolling. gonna try to start a Mk VI soon, hopefully finish it before winter. We'll see. Wish me luck!
*Desperately attempts not to drool on your project; drools on keyboard instead.* Congrats on the awesomness. Lookin' way sweet, longshot. Can I have it when you're done? lol. Seriously, though, the frequent updates and the pictures of the suit keep me rolling. gonna try to start a Mk VI soon, hopefully finish it before winter. We'll see. Wish me luck!

Definilty -- "Good Luck!"

That raises a thought! ... or a few thoughts!

There are a few reasons why I'm Posting as frequent as I do. Keep in mind that they are all for selfish reasons. :rolleyes

It keeps me on my toes. As in "I'm in the ZONE" from all the multi tasking im doing.
Photoshoots, Web Authoring, Logs/Blogs, Researching this project, WORKING on the project etc...

I have a completion target date of Sept 1st. As noted on my website. www.longshot-x.com/haloarmor.aspx I know now that I will not make that date. Still toooooo much tooooo do! So my new target date will be Sept 11. That gives me 2 days before the Midnight Sale at EB Games in Mission, BC Canada. My debut night! MOTIVATION

It keeps all you guys INSPIRED! I'm sure nobody will disagree! Case in point: Look at the number of views I have. Thread started on "06-24-2010 07:34 PM " 2 months ago! I hit just over 8100 today. Inspiration. I think that puts this thread in the top 20 most viewed in the NOOB Forum. MORE Inspiration.

It also motivates me to be productive and "Do Something" so that I can get some pics to post.

It keeps me thinking about how to make a procedure out of what I am learning. Timelaps Photography is a great aid. More Web content. Then Share it here. I have to admit that due to the time constraints, I have been lapsing abit in this area... But dont worry. I have lots of pics still to post. They will come in due time.

I want fresh content from "a Noob's point of view" for my website. Theres no better way than to "be that Noob" and post Pics.

While researching on the 405th, I come across "YOUR" posts (I mean everyone) and hit a few projects that INSPIRE me. I thinking I'll start posting those links (all from the 405th) as part of my progress updates. Would be cool to see the results from doing that! hmmmmm more viewership perhaps. LOL

Everyones positive comments also help to INSPIRE me and MOTIVATE me to keep going! I love it, cause it really works! Sometimes as long as 16 hours in a day... OMG I'm addicted to Armor Crafting!!!!!!!! :p

Just a few reasons why I am posting and crafting as fast (or slow) as I do.

Having said that, here's my second thought:

The 405th's motto is "Honor Armor Unity". Three well received and understood words that relate to the community of the 405th.

I also have THREE words that I feel would be very well received. "Blood Sweat Soul" <--- that last one you probably thought should be "Tears?" - No?

"Blood" - Because that is what drips from my finger after a paper cut from pepping my ARMOR.

"Sweat" - In HONOR of the safty rules, that's what I can't wipe because of the respirator I'm wearing.

"Soul" - Cause that is what I am pouring into this suit! For my self and the commUNITY

Soooo... Go forth and Craft!

Heh mines is Blood, Sweat, Soul, and Tears. I almost lost my cod piece in the rain. Your armor build is so awesome. I feel your pain in that bondo phase, its kicking my butt Lol I also liked what you did with the boots with those craft sticks, I was wondering what I was gonna do about those vents! Now I just need to find something for the cheek vents on the helmet. Walmart doesnt have that ribbed tubing at all D:
Heh mines is Blood, Sweat, Soul, and Tears. I almost lost my cod piece in the rain. Your armor build is so awesome. I feel your pain in that bondo phase, its kicking my butt Lol I also liked what you did with the boots with those craft sticks, I was wondering what I was gonna do about those vents! Now I just need to find something for the cheek vents on the helmet. Walmart doesnt have that ribbed tubing at all D:

Yea, the "Tears" part might happen if I don't get the suit done in time for Reach! LOL

haha man i just realized how hopelessly behind i am, in fact im so behind on work i dont even have the time to make a wip thread Xp. i have most of the left side of my armor PEPPED. i have a feeling im ganna be working on it on my way to the midnight launch but hey you do what you gatta do! and im super glad you post so much becauses it really does keep me motivated. also im sorry if i missed this but im in a rush, what paint are you using (like all of the paint your using) and also what grit did you sand it to before painting? basicly what where your steps for painting. well thanks man!
Progress Update

My Sanding Process:

The Bondo should be hard for this.
I start with a 80Grit Sand paper. Sand all of surfaces. I cheat and use a hand sander.
I find that I can do minor sculpting with the 80Grit. eg. Lower humps, remove deep scratches, etc..

Then I switch to a 180Grit sand paper. I start to polish the rough texture. I find that not much sculpting can be done with this grit. But it really does give a smooth texture. Can remove very minor scratches.

At this point If necessary, I use the Glazing/Spot putty to fill holes and such. Then use the same 180Grit to sand it down and then polish it up.

Switch to a 240Grit sand paper. This is the one that gives it a super nice finish. Can still use spot putty if you have too.

Once done I give the piece a quick rinse with water. This will help to remove any dust that may have built up in any hidden holes in the Bondo. Locate those holes and fill them with Glazing putty. Re-sand with the 240Grit. Rinse. Repeat if necessary.

Finally if your happy with the way it looks. Then switch to a 400 Grit "Wet Sand" paper. Regular 400grit sand paper will shred to tatters if it is used with water. This is where you put the final polish to the surface. I call this "Finish Sanding". I use a spray bottle with 80% water and 20% Isopropanal (99% alcohol) --> ISO can be found in any pharmacy. I usually use ISO to clean computer parts. I sometimes spray directly onto the surface and then sand. --or-- spray onto the sand paper and then sand. The wet sanding should give it a nice almost mirror like finish. Perfect for Priming. If I find any pits or holes, then I need to use spot putty and go back to the 240 Grit paper.

Wash. Let it dry. Apply a light layer of primer (I make sure its "Sandable primer." Let it dry. Now have a close look at the piece. If there are any defects the primer will show it clearly. Locate them and re-sand. If everything looks OK then continue with the Primer. Painting would be the next step. (that's for another day)

SOOooopoo... with out further ado... Bondo is finished on Both thighs. (see below)

At first I was a stickler for keeping every sharp edge and detail. Finally realized that I could spend FOREVER doing this and never get it done. My solution was to BEVEL the edges. Looks way nicer and is quicker to do than to keep all the nitty gritty tiny details. It's ARMOR after all... not a Kings formal attire!

Primed and ready for 1st coat of "Oregano Satin" paint. Master Chiefs color

I decided to keep the feathered polygons edges. It just looks cool. Beveled all edges and rounded out the valleys. Applied Bondo to my finger and filled them in.
I will have to say that my Bondo skills are getting better and faster. The real key is to overcome my fear of making a mistake and just "DO IT". I have made lots of mistakes in the last few days. Learning from them and improving upon it will make the work on the next pieces go faster and smoother.

I also started to do a mockup of how I want the plungers to fit.
That blue plunger will eventually get trimmed and painted black.

Yea... ok I have long legs. But the real purpose of the blue plunger is so that I can control the height of the shin. While at the same time protecting the pieces from rubbing against each other. I have it adjusted so the I can go into a crouch position with out any problems. Next step is to get the attachments and padding in place.


I'll go over my painting process in due time. I have to keep focused on the hard labour, due to the remaing time left... 20 days left till Reach!

Oh and before I say "Cheers"...

My inspirational link for Today:
Well I have to give credit where credit is due. Dogwizard's Frankensuit
It was his thread that got me inspired to add LED's, speakers, Armor Strapping 101 and to try to make my suit look as AWESOME as his!

Dogwizard --- If your reading this: Kudo's and Thankyou!

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Okay, I'm sure this is purely coincidence, but you just answered the exact same question I asked in my Samus thread!! Thanks much, it should help immensely!!

I'd say it was coincidence. Fantastic that it'll help you!
Awesome Helm you have going there!

I love this place!

your thread makes me feel guilty for the amount of time I put into my projects. Moving out to an apt within next few weeks so I will probably be forced to use smooth-on products for their non toxic benefits.

Do you have any plans in making an undersuit similar to Adam's? Perhaps not in the time constraint of Reach, but later down the road perhaps?
Looks awesome man great work! I love the added little bits of tutorial, I'm sure it helps a lot of us out too. Do you think the hand sander helps a lot? Or do you think there is any advantage?? Also do you use it on the rounded edges? I wonder because it seems like you could easily take to much off of the sides.
*Gasps!* Adam, the diety of 405th armor construction! I saw him once in a vid on youtube! He's almost as good at this pepakura stuff as Longshot is! If Longshot and Adam got together, and made suits, I think the fabric of space time would be wrent in twain, and we would all perish in awesomness.

Longshot, your build is a work of emaculate glory. I'm so uber stoked to see the finished project, you have no idea. I give much credit to you and your site for inspiring me to purchase another printer and continue the pepping experience. I also think I'm addicted to pepakura. (hate the actual pepping part, though. so boring!) Looking amazing, and keep up the awesome work. Keep us posted, and keep the pics coming!
This is a sweet looking armour your building there LongShot-X, keep it up.

Cant wait to see it finished, now if I had a bit more time to work on mine. :rolleyes
I do plan on making an undersuit like Adam's. Hopefully that will be my winter project.

@Joshua Morrison
The hand sander has saved me a tonne of time. I would say that about 90% of the sanding is done with it. The other 10% is done by hand. Yes it can do the indented curves and corners. BUT you have to make sure that the bondo or spot putty is HARD. I learned that the hardway. If any of it is still soft it will cause problems!

@Sean Anwalt
I'm flattered that I have been compared to Adam's work... However I'd have to say that Adams work is more seasoned (experienced) than mine. I've seen his work (via internet) blows me away yet something to aspire too.

More progress pics will be posted later tonight. Although I'll only get about 4-5 hours of progress done due to having to go to work to make some $$$'s

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