LongShot-X's Mark VI HD MJOLNIR Armor - WIP

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Thanks for the advice... I'll go the expanding foam method. I assume that the toe cap then becomes a permanent fixure?
Oh and how about the heal portion... does any work need to be done with that?

I used expanding foam on the heel area as well. To make it easier to put on and take off the boots I cut the front piece off and down its sides. I use industrial grade velcro to hold those two pieces together. I basically made a 2 piece boot a 3 piece boot. I did top off the expanding foam with a good layer of hot glue then I masked off the boot and touched up the paintwork..
Progress Update

Today's Progress:

An Experiment in Foaming the Boots:

With the help of the community of the 405th, I am testing a procedure for "Foaming in the Boots". I'm positive that there are many questions about how to do this... but no written up procedure. This is a tutorial on how I am foaming in the Toe caps to the boots. This will be a permanent piece placement. However, there is one challenge to overcome. Depending upon how one view's it. Read on.

Things that you will need:
Your glue gun. You remember that don'tcha!
Painters tape or masking tape or packing tape or Duct tape... any will do.
Shoo Goo - any major dept store should carry this. I got mine from London Drugs. A western Canadian Dept store.
Can of expanding foam. Like I used for "Foaming the Visor" earlier.

1st use the hot glue and put LOTS of glue on the toe tip. Run it along the entire vent strip.

Position the toe cap exactly where you want it. Make sure that the Boot's toe is in full contact with the Hot glue. Hold the boot there for about 8 min's. I wanted to make sure the glue was solid.

Then do the same for the sides. Basically your doing what Ithica did in his Plungers and Boots tutorial (a very good read). But only with regards to the Hot Gluing.

Make sure that every thing still lines up the way you want it. If it does not, then you can break off the glue or re melt it and start over. If you want you can assemble the rest of the boot parts to see if it all fits "OK" I did this a few times.

If you like the way it is, then the Shoo Goo is next. Take your Shoo Goo and fill it around the Hot Glue areas. Goop it in!

It does not matter if it runs or not. We will take care of that next

Next take your Masking tape. Tape up the bottom real good. As your putting on each strip of tape. Squirt more Shoo Goo around. Then put on the next strip of tape. Squirt more around and so on

The entire bottom of the toe cap area is covered in tape.
Now you can set the boots right side up and not have to worry about the Goo pouring out. This also allows the Goo to spread evenly around the sole of the boots.

I assembled the parts just to make sure everthing is perfect... If its not you can still start over. It will be messy but it is still doable. I was happy with how things looked. So no issues here.

Now you have to wait a minimum of 24 hours while the Shoo Goo hardens. This is where I'm at at the time of this writing. The whole purpose of what we just did, was to prepare the boots for the actual foaming. The Hot glue is just a temporary hold for the Shoo Goo'ing. The Shoo Goo serves to hold the toe caps in place for the Foaming process AND they will give the Toe caps a solid anchor. The foaming will help with keeping everything else snug.

However! There is a down side to this whole process. The Masking tape is also permanently stuck to the Shoo Goo and will be a huge challenge to deal with... On the Other hand.. One can just trim it off the edges and leave the bottom in place... Let it wear off.

I'll follow up Tomorrow with the rest of the Tutorial... Need to wait for the Goo to harden!


Hey did you notice that the Thighs are fully painted and detailed! I'll post pics of that later on.

Sorry, no inspirational link today... I did not look around much.
Now onto dinner and then Bondo'ing of the Cod pieces.

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"Brand New" --or-- "Worn and Weathered"

The Primer is done. the Base Coat is DONE. The inner thigh undercoating is DONE.
I was deciding if the suit should look Brand New off the assembly or if I wanted it to have a well worn and seasoned look. I chose the worn and seasoned look.

Sooo.. with out further ado, here are better pics of the Thighs. (still needs LED's and Strapping)

I use the Black washing technique as listed in the stickies.
However, instead of spraying the "Flat Black" on. I sprayed a tiny bit into a cap (or cup) and used a brush to brush the black onto where I wanted it. Better control!


I also used Dry Brushing for the raised edges. Same idea. Sprayed "Hammered Metalic" into a cup and used a brush.

Once done... It all looks like this!
Notice that you can see the corners and edges way easier. This is the look that the whole suit will have.

what pep file did you use for the wrist pieces and are they supposed to be that big cause mine that i just started i didnt scale to fit may have to start over if they are not supossed to be that big
what pep file did you use for the wrist pieces and are they supposed to be that big cause mine that i just started i didnt scale to fit may have to start over if they are not supossed to be that big

I got the hand plates from here:

as for the size... It's kinda hard to compare with out a pic. :(
I did scale mine down by 20% to fit my gloves.

Hope that helps.
I agree. I will also be shocked and disappointed if this doesn't get moved to the "Elite Showcase" portion of the website. ...though nothing in the elite showcase ever has any pics... Hey, Longshot, when you get this moved to the Elite Showcase portion of the website, will you make sure to have a ton of pics of the finished product all over the place so we can look at it? That would be totally awesome!
I agree. I will also be shocked and disappointed if this doesn't get moved to the "Elite Showcase" portion of the website. ...though nothing in the elite showcase ever has any pics... Hey, Longshot, when you get this moved to the Elite Showcase portion of the website, will you make sure to have a ton of pics of the finished product all over the place so we can look at it? That would be totally awesome!

I'm Optomistic about it being "worthy" for Elite section. Keep in mind its still not completed. There is still lots of room for errors and mistakes. After all I am still a noob. On the other hand it would be fantastic if it did make it to the Elite section. I'm hoping so.

As for the pics. Definitly. I fully plan on continuing this thread with lots of high res pics and hopefully some vidoes too. With all of the work that I have been putting into this project, I feel it nessessary to be able to show it off and perhaps even brag a little. Time will tell. I still want to do an undersuit like Blue Realms (a winter project). Pep a few different pieces. I still need to pep a weapon... Lots to do... This thread will be active for quite some time.
Thankyou! I'm optomistic about getting it done in time... If I keep up this pace, it should be done soon.
I'm Optomistic about it being "worthy" for Elite section. Keep in mind its still not completed. There is still lots of room for errors and mistakes. After all I am still a noob. On the other hand it would be fantastic if it did make it to the Elite section. I'm hoping so.

Ok, Longshot, I'm sure most of the peeps here on da 405th will agree with me, that if you made an epic mistake of elephantine proportions, your awesome build would still be worthy of Elite Showcase status. Right, guys?
Ok, Longshot, I'm sure most of the peeps here on da 405th will agree with me, that if you made an epic mistake of elephantine proportions, your awesome build would still be worthy of Elite Showcase status. Right, guys?

Ooohhh! I would have to make that a POLL and then everyone could VOTE. (after its completed)

Quick short update:
Boots have been foamed... just waiting for the foam to harden. Discoverd that the boot have steel toes... so I did not have to put anything into them.
Cod's mounting point are almost dry. Then I can bondo... This was a tiny mistake on my part... should have finished bondo then put on the mounting points... oh well... its just a small time delay thing... no harm done.
Got the LED work station all setup and ready to go... so that I can start putting in the LED into the Shins and the Thighs.

Pics coming later.

Im hoping to start the LED installation process after I finish the Bondo of the last forearm and the 1st test coat of primer.
I figure another 3 hours of bondo then I'll start the LED installation on the Shins and Thighs.

I'm planing on taking pics of me wearing all the leg pieces with the LEDs installed and operating. Hoping to get those pics up tonight.

I'm getting excited!

Nice LongShot! I totally agree with the comments from the previous page, this is elite worthy :D

Its great to hear that! That makes me feel FANTASTIC!

Another quick update before I start posting pics:
Finsih Bondo'ing both Forearms.
Now starting to install the LED's and the frosted pannels. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long night.
I'll post a few pics of the boots and the forearms in about an hours time. I'm hoping to be able to do one thigh with LED' in that time span.

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