Um, I do have one critique for you on that Recon helmet, buddy... it's looking too shiny in the pics

Seriously though, that's some fantastic work you've done on that second helmet. I take it you're going to give yourself the option of switching between the two with your armour, should you choose to do so?
Took a look at your WiP pics on the last page, btw. I'm liking how the bondo work is coming along on those forearms. You've got some nice, smooth contours going on there. And the chest armour's looking
pre-tee sweet, too.
Quick question. Could you give me the dimensions of the ab plate (height, width)? See, I bought mine second-hand from another member here, and that wasn't included with it, so I'm thinking of scratch-building it out of layered sheet styrene. I'd like to get the sizing right, though