Mark VI high-def foam armor WIP

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You're foam work is just amazing, the details are off the chart, and personally I feel that you just raised the bar on what I foam suit should look like. Keep up the great work.
You're foam work is just amazing, the details are off the chart, and personally I feel that you just raised the bar on what I foam suit should look like. Keep up the great work.
Thank you sir, the wood burning kit and 2mm crafting foam are the difference makers for sure, and the heatgun helped immensly for the boots and shins

@Kitsune - Do I smell a Halo/Star Wars spoof in the making?
Officer Dimwit "With this Halo ring we are now the ultimate power in the universe, I suggest we use it"
Darth Chief "Don't be so proud of this technological terror you've discovered, the ability to destroy the universe is insignificant compared to the power of a Spartan"
Oh, for sure =D

"Sergeant Johnson...Years ago you served my father in the Covenant wars, Now he begs you to help him in his strugle against the copyright infringements... I regret that i am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my Parody has fallen under attack and im afraid my mission to bring It to reach has failed. I have placed Quotes vital to the survival of this long running gag in the memory systems of this forum post...Adam will know how to retrive them. You must see this parody safely delivered to this forum, This is our most fanboy-ish hour...

Help me Averyone KeJohnson, You're my only hope!"
The saga continues...
"Averyone KeJohnson, now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away"
"I think my AI knew him, she says he's decomissioned"
"No he's not decomissioned, at least, not yet... he's me"

Lookin awesome!!!

Thanks! Done done done done-da-done done-da-done...
Well, almost done. We were not happy with the overall look of the helmet, it was a little "squat" for lack of a better word, and did not come down low enough to cover my chin. But that's the great thing about foam, I was able to heat it up, bend it down and glue it to the visor to hold it in place. The visor also fogged up badly, so I installed a fan too. Here is what it looks like now...

Side view

The fan vents are seen from the bottom

Here is the fan, it blows up across the visor and also keeps you cool. There is also a thin foam face guard so you don't stick your tongue in the fan

The 9v battery sits in a foam casing in the back of the helm, I also added some padding for comfort

And in this picture you can see that it now covers my chin

Much happier with the helm :)

To add a little cheese to the saga, here is the Darth Chief

"I want to know what you did with my stolen forum quotes"

"If this is a moderated Parody where are the administrators?!"

"Commander, tear this Parody apart until you've found those quotes and bring me the noobs, I want them alive!"

C3PO says "Will this madness never end?"


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kupokitty said:
I never would have guessed that a foam helmet could look like that. You're amazing!
Thank-you for the kudos

Bryce Youtsey said:
all that is foam? damn. Nice job. never knew that anyone could pull off a foam helmet
Yes, the entire suit is foam, helm included.
to add about the fan, where did you get it and how big is it dimensionally? Also, you are excellent with the foam very nice job!
Jester1014 said:
What Voltage is that fan? and if it's a 12v how well is it pulling air with the 9v battery as it's source?
It's a 12v fan and still blasts air real good with 9v, I can blow hot air (and I'm good at that) directly on the visor and it does not fog at all. It is a little bit loud for hearing external talking, however, my wife commented that it makes it sound more ominous, like it is actually powered armor

HushB170 said:
to add about the fan, where did you get it and how big is it dimensionally? Also, you are excellent with the foam very nice job!
Thanks! This fan was salvaged from an old computer, I did see one at The Source for $17 and it's about 4mm diameter
Oops, I meant 40mm or 4cm, stupid metric system :p
Yes it gives off a whirring sound, not real loud from the outside, but still noticable. I might try it at a lower voltage, I have a 3 AAA power pack I could test, but I like how the 9v battery in a 2mm foam casing friction fits perfect in the back of the helm, no velcro required.
You ought to see the little brass cages I made for my Batts.
I'm placin mine up in the bill where I can isolate the actual vents to blow down on the Visor.
How long would you say that battery lasts running the fan like that?
I considered the top for the fan, however, I did not want the potential for hair to get caught in it. I may put an exhaust vent in the top though, I will decide after wearing it around for awhile.
As for battery duration, Longshot says that one 9v powering 3 LEDs lasts about 8 hours, so probably around there.
I considered the top for the fan, however, I did not want the potential for hair to get caught in it. I may put an exhaust vent in the top though, I will decide after wearing it around for awhile.
As for battery duration, Longshot says that one 9v powering 3 LEDs lasts about 8 hours, so probably around there.

If I can recall correctly, that fan came from a graphics card. It should give you about 6-10 hours of operation, depending upon the quality of the battery and the fan's health (clean bearings). However I am curious as to the actual test results.
Well then, we shall have to test it! Now that the fan is in and I look less giraffe like I wouldn't mind trying Rockband again.
Here is a picture of the "squat" helm

And here is the proper shape

Much better!


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