Lookin awesome!!!
Thanks! Done done done done-da-done done-da-done...
Well, almost done. We were not happy with the overall look of the helmet, it was a little "squat" for lack of a better word, and did not come down low enough to cover my chin. But that's the great thing about foam, I was able to heat it up, bend it down and glue it to the visor to hold it in place. The visor also fogged up badly, so I installed a fan too. Here is what it looks like now...
Side view
The fan vents are seen from the bottom
Here is the fan, it blows up across the visor and also keeps you cool. There is also a thin foam face guard so you don't stick your tongue in the fan
The 9v battery sits in a foam casing in the back of the helm, I also added some padding for comfort
And in this picture you can see that it now covers my chin
Much happier with the helm
To add a little cheese to the saga, here is the Darth Chief
"I want to know what you did with my stolen forum quotes"
"If this is a moderated Parody where are the administrators?!"
"Commander, tear this Parody apart until you've found those quotes and bring me the noobs, I want them alive!"
C3PO says "Will this madness never end?"