Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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The colony says hello after a short leave of absence. The humans have been taking a break and have been given the opportunity to be interviewed by 343 Industries for their accomplishment in building a full-scale Hunter armor set.

Members of 343 Industries drove to our location and interviewed the humans and watched how they make armor behind-the-scenes. The interview is going to be featured in a future episode of The Bulletin on Halo Channel sometime this summer. We hope to share the link with you all in the future when it releases.

For now, here is a picture of the Hunter next to a Video Producer from 343 Industries.


Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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It's because I am interested in turning my own colony is Mgalekgolo and I need all the assistance as I can to do so.
So is there a new way to do this, or it's just this method?

Our method of making the costume is not the only method to do it. You can try the fiberglass method as well and you can scale it down to be more human-sized. We mainly built this from scratch so there aren't any templates that we can provide.

WOW THAT Is SICK!!! Goodluck on making a full sized! I Think anyone who dares to do this deserves a medal!!!!

Well the good thing is we DID make it full-sized!

This is beyond epic, when my chief is ready I plan to one shot you in the back

Only if we give you the chance. ;)

Thank you everyone for giving the colony lots of support even though we've gone pretty much dark as of late.
We have been very busy with our personal lives and still kind of cooling down from this project.

For those of you who haven't seen yet, the episode of the Bulletin featuring the Hunter costume came out!
You can watch it here!

It was a huge honor to be interviewed by 343 Industries and we are happy that the Hunter has inspired so many people.

While we are not going to be making another Hunter costume to make up the pair, I (Alexis) will be starting up an Engineer costume soon and I have a build thread that I just started!
No progress just yet, but I plan on getting this done in time for Emerald City Comic Con 2016.

Thanks again so much for supporting the colony!
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