Mgalekgolo Twins Build (Halo 4 Hunter Pair)

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:eek Mein Gott that is lovely sight! The colony has truely created a masterpiece. Now go, and rain down fear and plasma upon thine competition!

I could never quite imagine how it would look until now... When I can actually see it. I knew from the start I wouldn't be disappointed.

Can't wait for the photos and vids.

GAH!!!!!! THIS IS LOOKING AMAZING!!!!! I am so excited to see this this weekend!!!:)


:eek Mein Gott that is lovely sight! The colony has truely created a masterpiece. Now go, and rain down fear and plasma upon thine competition!

Oh my...

It is Covenant, and it has come so far
It is coming...

The colony thanks everyone for their compliments.

We leave for the convention in two days and we got a little more progress done on the suit. The end is in sight!

A combat knife has been "stabbed" into the collar of the chest piece to make it look like someone tried assassinating the Hunter but missed. The knife is deep enough in the armor that we added some blood to seep out too. It's not glow in the dark, but it does react to neon/ black light. We could not find a glow in the dark paint that was opaque enough to be seen from a distance in the light.



And here is a shot of the spikes being test-fitted on the chest and back.


We only have a few things left to finish on this suit and hope to wrap it up tonight if not tomorrow night.

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Really love the knife you put in it, you guys are doing an amazing job on the build. Seriously can't wait to see the end result.
Im guessing the build is done since comic con has started? i cant wait to see it tomorrow!!! surprised there are no pictures of it on komo!

Saw you guys in a video on the 405th Australia Facebook. Looks amazing, so glad it's all come together for you. You must be sooo pleased.

The way it moves, words do no justice
Saw you guys in a video on the 405th Australia Facebook. Looks amazing, so glad it's all come together for you. You must be sooo pleased.

The way it moves, words do no justice

Ah, thank you! I checked the page and found the video. Just amazing.
MgalekgoloTwins, you've done a fantastic job. You've raised the bar here, and certainly broken some barriers. If you can accomplish something this ambitious, I can certainly finish my project.
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man I would love to see how fast you can run in that beast before to long... cool idea find a Spartan near you go to a park and shoot a short of the two of you charging each other.
Hello members of the 405th!

The colony is back and recovering from this long weekend.

The debut of the first Hunter was nothing short of a success and we have made a large impact on the internet.

We arrived at the convention on Friday and the humans scouted out where the colony needed to be throughout the day on Saturday.
We had to take two vehicles to transport the whole of the costume.


On Saturday morning, the colony made their first appearance at a photoshoot in Freeway Park just down the street from the Convention Center.

Here are a few photos from that photoshoot.











Our photoshoot also had a rather unexpected visitor.



And a couple of memes were made from the photoshoot.




After the photoshoot, the humans were asked to do an interview with the creators of the show Cosplay Boom. The video has also been featured on Kotaku.

You can find the link to the Kotaku article HERE.

After the interview, the colony had to make some minor repairs to joints and velcro before the pre-judging for the Costume Contest. Once the repairs were made, the female human wore the costume one more time for the judges and they asked a lot of questions about the suit and how it came to be. The costume takes a lot of energy and muscle power to wear so the female human was exhausted after the pre-juding and the humans agreed that the male human would wear the costume for the competition that night.


The humans made a few minor adjustments to the stilts and the male human was able to practice walking in the suit!

HERE is a video of the male human doing a test walk in the suit in front of hundreds of other humans.

When it came time to the competition, the humans were ready if not a little excited and nervous.


While the male human wore the suit and walked out in front of the stage (because they couldn't get the colony UP on the stage), the female human walked out on stage and answered whatever questions the judges had.






At the end of the competition, the colony did not place in the Master's. A lot of staff and members of the public felt we were robbed of at least a placing if not first place. The humans did not worry much about winning. They were just happy that they could get the costume in front of everyone without any malfunctions or falling down.

The humans did earn, however, a "Harley's Choice" award from one of the costume-staff that worked behind stage. She insisted the humans take it so they didn't walk away empty-handed.

After the contest, the colony's facebook page exploded. Before the convention, the colony had around 700 followers and now it stands about 2300 strong and still growing. The colony has reached 300,000 people on the facebook page alone and has reached even more outside of that on the Halo Reddit and Imgur. In total, the colony has reached almost 3/4 of a million people and that number slowly increases each hour. The humans are completely baffled by the popularity of their costume and are so happy they were able to finish the suit on time.

The colony does plan on making a second suit in the future, but the humans would like to take a break before they tackle that suit. The colony believes they deserve a short vacation.

The colony would like to thank everyone who has been following our build, even if you were skeptical of our endeavors at first. All of your input has encouraged this colony to push forward and make this idea and dream a reality.

Please give us any extra feedback you may have,

Thank you for your interest in the colony.


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Haha, love that the sand spider appeared.....I think that's what they're called, sorry haven't played HL2 in forever lol. Anyways, amazing work! (P.S. Need to have a jar of peanut butter next to small spartan for even more accurate scale XD)
Amazing work! Bravo! Well put together and the vid was great to know that we really are all on the same level. Can't wait to see how you proceed on.
Welp, you went and did it now. You blew my mind yet again. Just a sec. *gets a mop*
In all seriousness though, the final outcome of the colony's work is... Just pure, raw awesomeness! You have made one hell of a costume, and now you are STILL going to make the second one. I wouldn't be able to the first one, let alone the second. That is commitment. You tell those humans to take that vacation, they deserve it. Also, clearly the contest was judged by the UNSC and it's associates, otherwise I am sure you would have won. ;)
It is of my opinion that the worms are a little too ordered.
Otherwise, great job. You deserve the rest. Tis a shame that you didn't place.
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