1st Build Miranda Keyes (Halo Series Uniform)

That looks amazing! I like your "sneaky" technique. I plan on stealing that idea when I make my Medical Corp uniform!!

Where are you from? Maybe we can showcase our uniforms together at a con or worlds?
Thank you! I am really happy with how it is coming together. That Medical Corp uniform will be awesome! SamuelHan mention these really cool generic pattern pieces that you can get, you may want to check that out also. 1st Build - Miranda Keyes (Halo Series Uniform) | Halo Costume and Prop Maker Community - 405th

I'll send you a DM!
Decoration time!

The cuffs on Miranda uniform have shinier stripes than the rank insignia on her collar and shoulders. It makes me think of ribbon each time I look at it and the other golden ornaments I think I am going to use up some cardboard.

Screenshot 2024-01-23 135818.png

Ribbon can be a big pain to affix onto fabric because it moves around so much. I was going to pin it and then whip stich them in place however I remember I have some double sided tape left! And it turns out it work wonders to keep the ribbon in place!

The pins on the sides are to tuck the ends into the cuffs. Keep in mind most ribbons will melt under significant heat. So if you are going to iron the cuffs (also because of the tape) don't use steam and place a cotton fabric in-between the cuff and the iron.

To attach it to the shirt I just whip stitched it in place.

For the other golden pieces I decided to use cosclay and cardboard. Both of these materials have some flex to them so they can get bumped around a little. And I can carve the clay once it is cooked.


The insignias on the neck are going to sit on each side of the collar, which I made out of leather and Velcrod to the shirt collar. The ones on the shoulders attach straight onto the leather should pad with superglue. First however, I need to colour match them to the ribbons.

I very much enjoy free handing when I can. So for the name tag I just painted directly onto the clay. You could make a stencil or sticker.

I'm assuming you have finished the project and are just doing bit size progress chapters. Because if these are live updates, you are cruising!
A little late on this post but I was out testing the costume!

I attached the collar with Velcro to the shirt (I sewed the Velcro onto the shirt and glued it onto the collar.) and pinned the nametag so I can take it off if I want. I might go with a magnet to attach the nametag in the future.


For the shoes I knew I could find something at a second hand store that would work. I didn't want to have to make a cover for them and thankfully I did find a pair that work great!


And it's finished! Might add some detail later on (there is some black piping along some of the edges) but all and all I am very happy with how this came together!
And it's finished! Might add some detail later on (there is some black piping along some of the edges) but all and all I am very happy with how this came together!
Personally... That is the very definition of "looks like it is camera ready and you just walked off the set".
A little late on this post but I was out testing the costume!

I attached the collar with Velcro to the shirt (I sewed the Velcro onto the shirt and glued it onto the collar.) and pinned the nametag so I can take it off if I want. I might go with a magnet to attach the nametag in the future.

View attachment 341888View attachment 341889

For the shoes I knew I could find something at a second hand store that would work. I didn't want to have to make a cover for them and thankfully I did find a pair that work great!

View attachment 341891

And it's finished! Might add some detail later on (there is some black piping along some of the edges) but all and all I am very happy with how this came together!
Your costume looked amazing at the event! I saw this build thread before the event and it didn't even connect in my mind that you were the same person, that was a fast build! I wish there was more time at the event to talk to people cause I didn't get the chance to say hi, but there will be more events/cons in the future
Your costume looked amazing at the event! I saw this build thread before the event and it didn't even connect in my mind that you were the same person, that was a fast build! I wish there was more time at the event to talk to people cause I didn't get the chance to say hi, but there will be more events/cons in the future
Oh no way, well hello! There will definitely be more events in the future. Are you in the states or more north?
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