Greetings Tsau-Mia,
First off i must say that your work is very inspirational; i have been lurking on the 405th the past couple days during my "free time" (ha), and it is in direct response to your comments in entry # 13 that prompted me to create an account. After looking at a menagerie of projects great, good, and nicht so gut, i agree the undersuits 'make' the Spartan epic. So far as a lack of response i agree w Alix965, a million watchers is a million interested people regardless of feedback; furthermore, as a third party with no MJOLNIR experience i believe people actually building these things may be scared shitless by your initiative. This suit is revolutionary and will probably put even Bluerealm to shame when completed

So far as more people 'getting in on the discussion' i made Necro to offer collaboration on a few of these really kick ass projects..
In entry #10 you mention magnets, to attach the backpiece i believe, and then in entry 46 you mention the need for a removable piece for 'bathroom mode'; perhaps you could use the same trick from 10 and make the cod piece magnetically detachable, and then in the undersuit have a velcro/zipper bilayer, the seams would be similar to the old long johns that are portapotty ready.
Have been thinking on what firevoid said about sewing margins [entry#28], with the shear number of them inherently created by the pieces of your innermost suit you may find them most uncomfortable as the other layers press down (i assume this construct is going to be very compressed) and you move around: i recommend an inner 'inner' layer, or at least a lining to the inner layer. Personally i would recommend a surplus 'ninja suit' as they call them in the service to wear as a base layer. they are an early 'underarmour' concept but you could find a set much cheaper than the name brand from a local army/navy store. if you cant locate a set then i will ask my wife if she has a pair, the only problem is she's 5'8" and you would have to resew the design and with the amount of sewing already on your hands i would try to find a smaller one but hit me up as a last resort to that concept.
my only other thought for the day is to put a couple of 80 or 90 mm computer fans (powered by 9V) in your outer armor, housed so that they vent outward (the mjolnir armor design already has vent ports on the backpiece) , the inside of the sealed fan box would connect to a spider like array of 10-20 various lengths of aquarium air tubing distributed throughout the suit, terminating between the inner layer and the jacket, the inner layer and the thigh guards, boots, etc. The design acts as a distributed heat pump, and serves to pull stagnant air trapt between your compressed multi-layers. we used an amped up version during the war, one guy even reversed the process with a dorm style refridgerator cooling unit for when we had access to vehicle power.. i would post a schematic for the heat pump design but cant post attachments yet so will have to update that scheme later. i should probably get back to the project at hand anyway lol. Again great job thus far and i look forward to spying on your future progress
Good luck Spartans! H-Minus!!