Soft Parts Mission: Make as accurate a Suit as possible.

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Any more updates? ive been watching this for a really long time haha, i'm glad to see you havent given up. everyone else that seems to start these undersuit projects never seem to finish.
Abriel, if you had read through the thread instead of skimming it or skipping straight to the end, you would know that spandex, wetsuits and their ilk have been dismissed out of hand due the lack of ventilation, moisture wicking and anything else to do with body cooling. In other words, they're not being used because one would make you hotter in the armor than wearing it without any undersuit whatsoever. It's good that you're contributing to the efforts here, but try to keep the thread contents of previous replies in mind when possible - even if you'd rather be someone constantly thinking and saying tldr.

Spandex shouldn't be discarded... certain types will wick away moisture well. It has to do with the fibers and how well their weave performs the capillary effect. Polyester can do a great job. It's form fitting to, thus making a great base layer.

just read the whole thread. great sketches and plans. can't wait to see the finished product. It's inspiring me to start planning out my own;D
Project is under way. I had problems finding time to work on it, but I started waking up an hour earlier to make time, haha.

I'll put up piks as soon as I can. I'm currently making undersuit mk.2, and once that is done, I will be making the third and final piece. The second one will tell me where I need to make adjustments to my original design and where I may need to put zippers.
You know some hidden pockets might be a good idea. That way you ar least have some where to put your keys. I have noticed all these great suits but it looks like none of them have any storage capacity.
I do see your point Blackblood. However, I think the storage come from the hard suit (e.g. Tactical Hard Case or ODST Backpack).

Adding hidden pockets just add more to sew in and adds more chances of error, no offense to your skill Tsau.
None taken, haha, since every bit of skill I have right now amounts to almost nothing. We'll see when the time comes.

And yes, all storage will be mounted into the hard parts. Right now, I'm experimenting with turning either the back piece into a sort of hollow backpack, or creating a smallish area to slide my ID and credit cards in my belt piece.
I am so glad that you are working on this and I have subscribed to your thread. I also loved the photos of the drawing of the under suit. I will be watching with great intent on what you develop and what materials you use. I am a complete noob here but I have some skills with my hands so I am pretty eager to build my own under suit and I have a feeling that I will be using a lot of what you come up with. Keep up the good work!
Just a quick note to everyone on this thread, the work on my undersuit stalled due to my work schedule, but here is the plan...
I am using a base layer of wicking spandex leggings and long sleeve shirt. I wil be adding to it a bike shorts-type of garment that I am making, and then a vest that includes the detail around the arms, spine, and abdomen. Add to that a pair of elbow and knee pads and the neck seal that I am also making and I'm hoping it will look like a real undersuit.
This is going to turn out amazing and I cant wait to see it complete. If its ok with you I would like to use your designs to make my own undersuit.
i've been reading this for a while now and i love what your doing. i'm extremely new to this and could use any help i can get on making my undersuit. some of the things in this thread didn't really make sense to me, as i said i am very new to this so any help is welcome.
I really like your design so far. Presently, I'm in the construction stage of my outer armor, and the research/design stage of my under-armor. At this point, I believe this will be the design I'll be basing mine off of. I have a few alterations in mind however, and I thought they'd be worth sharing.

Essentially, I'll be dividing it into pants, shirt, and vest, as well as sewing the outer-armor's harness into the under-armor. That way, the clips from the suspenders will serve to attach the shirt to the pants when it attaches itself to the garter belt. This would make it far more bathroom friendly, as only the codpiece would need to be removed to detach the whole rig at the center point.

It's only a crude drawing, (overlain on your much nicer image) with the red squares indicating the buckles, but it gets the above idea across easier than my words may have. The garters are too far in etc, but it gets the point across.



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@ Caledonius: i like your modification. have been focusing on my over harness assembly (posted on the medics page) but your work will serve as a great addition to the undersuit once refined :)

@ Tsau-Mia: how goes it? hope all is well, know you were busy as hell wit work some time back, has it calmed down at all? have something to discuss with you re: undersuit materials when your schedule permits.
Yea, not to bring up a stale(ish) post (especially being new here), but I'm also wondering how the project is going. The design is obviously top notch; I'm curious how the actual construction is fairing. It makes me want to work on the under-suit first (which might actually be easier for me since I have more sewing practice than armor creation). it has me plotting it out in my head anyways. Heh.

It's an ambitious project and design. It makes the doublets I create look like child's play. :) Love it.
This thread seems to have gone necro which is kind of disapointing. for anyone who is still interested, for hanging your hard suit you might want to check some of the SCA or other medieval recreationist sites to see how they hang their armour. Arming points have been used for centuries to hang armour onto the body. The Tome has lots of how to information. Good luck with your builds and keep this thread running, it's too interesting to just let it roll over and die.
Umm, no idea if this thread is dead or not, but if you are there Tsau-mia, please show us some progress, I respect that you may not have had time to do it, but could you give us a heads up for it?
Thread's dead baby... Thread's dead.

But she does have excellent designs! She is a designer that I will watch!


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