Well it was a very productive weekend!
I got two coats of primer and sanding done on these pieces (minus the neck detail which has only been sanded)
The forearms are 99% ready for final wet sanding before color. The shins need a tiny bit more work (lets say 80% ready)
The left thigh (first one I started working on a while ago) is 75% ready. The right needs a bit more work...

I didn't do the greatest job when I glued it together and have much more noticeable seams. I am going to pick up some body filler (thanks
TurboCharizard for the suggestion) instead of my usual spot putty and give that a go tonight.
Remaining pieces ready to sand:
- Biceps
I also need to figure out the scaling and get the three boot pieces printed out. Those won't have any seams so it *should* be pretty quick to get them ready once they are printed
I think I am also going to reprint the hand plates since I feel like my current ones are too small.
Final update - Since I have the chest currently clamped together I decided to grab my helmet and take a fun pic:
P.S. - Man it feels good to get back into this project and make some tangible updates. T-Minus 102 Days until C2E2